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Fortnite Wiki

Wargames is a new mode added to Fortnite Save The World in patch 9.00. It takes place exclusivly in your Storm Shield. There are many diffrent modifiers that need to be added to play this mode. It Stopped being supported in patch 10.00

Wargames Modifiers[]

Wargames Modifiers are special conditions that need to be added in order to play Wargames. These Modifiers currently include:

  • Torn Apart - A Tornado appears at the start of the simulation and slowly destroys building, and launches enemies into the air. However it also launches players into the air, and doesn't prevent fall damage.
  • Hot Spots - Lava pools move around the Storm shield and destroys buildings, hurts players and turns enemies into the Fire element.
  • Denied - Anomaly Rifts appear around the Battlefield and Hurts players if they come to close, they don't drain energy however.
  • Safety Zone -The Storm shield is being turned off and players have to stay inside Mini Storm Shield to avoid being damaged by the Storm. Husks also target the Mini Storm shields first before the main Storm shield.
  • Mist Pods - Husk Pods appear around the map, and players must destroy them as soon as they appear. if the Pod hatches a Epic Mini-boss is spawned.
  • Space Rocks - Meteors will fall from the sky and damage players, husks and buildings. They need to be shot down to prevent them from doing any Damage.
  • Hexed - A Curse is placed on your character and to remove it you must activate aztec statues.
  • Meltdown - The storm shield emits a cloud of radiation that expands over time, damaging players.

Challenge Modifiers[]

Challenge Modifiers are additional modifiers that can be added for an Extra challenge. They don't need to be added to play Wargames. These Modifiers currently include:

  • Rolling Fog - a Fog turns off your Minimap and makes Everything hard to see.
  • Close Quarters - Husks spawn closer to the Storm shield
  • Husk Swarm - Only normal Husks appear, but they have Doubled power level to your current SSD level (example: Power Level 73 = 134 Husk Level) (Removed in Patch 10.00)
  • No building zone - Pickaxes, Repairs and Building are disabled. (Even if your the Owner or you have the Permission)
  • Heavy Explosives - Husks Explode when killed
  • Trapped Out - Traps are Disabled
  • Full Time - Time Cheats don't Appear
  • Surprise - Picks a Random Challenge Modifier in the Second Wave
  • Head Games - Husks must be finished off with a Headshot.
  • Double Trouble - Two Invincible Smashers are always present, they switch from attacking the fort to attacking players.

Special Mechanics[]

Mechanics that are Exclusive to Wargames. Such as:

  • Time Cheats - Skip 15 seconds on the Timer
  • Fog - Makes everything hard to see (Only in the Rolling Fog Modifier)
  • Pods - Spawn Epic Mini-bosses if not destroyed (only available during the Mist Pods Modifier)
  • Meteors - Rain down from the Sky and Damage anything that comes in contact (Only in the Space Rocks Modifier)
  • Aztec Statues - Clean your character from a Curse (Only in Hexed Modifier)
  • Tornado - Launches player and husks upwards (Only in Torn Apart Modifier)
  • Mini Storm Shield - a smaller Storm shield that players must stand in to Survive (Only in Safety Zone Modifier)
  • Lava Pools - Destroy Building, Damage Players and Turn husks in Fire Husks (Only in Hot Spots Modifier)
  • Invincible Smashers - Work like normal smashers but they are indestructible (Only in Double Troule Modifier)
  • UFO - a UFO that can send out a giant lazer that destroyes everything in one shot (Only in Invasion Modifier)
  • Radiation Barrier - A Barrier that functions like the storm only lowers visibility (Only in Meltdown Modifier)
  • Bomb - an unstable bomb that acts like a second target, if destroyed destroyes a large ammount of buildings (Only in Quantum Countdown Modifier)


The Wargames Boot Camp Quests are:

Quest Name Quest Description Reward
Assist Wargames Using Community Lookout, assist a fellow commander in completing a Wargames Simulation in their Storm Shield. You can access Community Lookout by selecting your Storm Shield on the map! 500 Summer Tickets
Challange: Close Quarters Complete the Close Quarters Challenge applied to any Wargames Simulation. Access Wargames from the Computer in your Storm Shield or by assisting other players via Community Lookout! 500 Summer Tickets and 1 Close Quarters Banner
Challange: Heavy Explosives Complete the Heavy Explosives Challenge applied to any Wargames Simulation. Access Wargames from the Computer in your Storm Shield or by assisting other players via Community Lookout! 500 Summer Tickets and 1 Heavy Explosives Banner
Challange: Rolling Fog Complete the Rolling Fog Challenge applied to any Wargames Simulation. Access Wargames from the Computer in your Storm Shield or by assisting other players via Community Lookout! 500 Summer Tickets and 1 Rolling Fog Banner
Challange: Full Time Complete the Full Time Challenge applied to any Wargames Simulation. Access Wargames from the Computer in your Storm Shield or by assisting other players via Community Lookout! 500 Summer Tickets and 100 Gold
Challange: Head Games Complete the Head Games Challenge applied to any Wargames Simulation. Access Wargames from the Computer in your Storm Shield or by assisting other players via Community Lookout! 500 Summer Tickets and 100 Gold
Challange: No Building Zone Complete the No Building Zone Challenge applied to any Wargames Simulation. Access Wargames from the Computer in your Storm Shield or by assisting other players via Community Lookout! 500 Summer tickets and 100 Gold
Challange: Trapped out Complete the Trapped Out Challenge applied to any Wargames Simulation. Access Wargames from the Computer in your Storm Shield or by assisting other players via Community Lookout! 500 Summer Tickets and 1 Trapped out banner
Challange: Suprise Complete the Surprise Challenge applied to any Wargames Simulation. Access Wargames from the Computer in your Storm Shield or by assisting other players via Community Lookout! 500 Summer Tickets and 100 Gold
Challange: Husk Swarm Complete the Husk Swarm Challenge applied to any Wargames Simulation. Access Wargames from the Computer in your Storm Shield or by assisting other players via Community Lookout! 500 Summer Tickets
Host Wargames Host and complete any Wargames Simulation in your Storm Shield. Access Wargames from the Computer in your Storm Shield! 500 Summer Tickets
Simulation: Space Rocks Complete the Space Rocks Wargames Challange applied to Any Wargames Simulation. Access Wargames from the Storm Shield Computer in your Homebase or by assisting other players via Community Lookout! 500 Summer Tickets and 1 Space Rocks Banner
Simulation: Hexed Complete the Hexed Wargames Simulation. Access Wargames from the Computer in your Storm Shield or by assisting other players via Community Lookout! 500 Summer Tickets and 1 Hexed Banner
Simulation: Torn Apart Complete the Torn Apart Wargames Simulation. Access Wargames from the Computer in your Storm Shield or by assisting other players via Community Lookout! 500 Summer Tickets and 1 Torn Apart Banner
Simulation: Mist Pods Complete the Mist Pods Wargames Simulation. Access Wargames from the Computer in your Storm Shield or by assisting other players via Community Lookout! 500 Summer Tickets and 1 Mist Pods Banner
Simulation: Hot Spots Complete the Hot Spots Wargames Simulation. Access Wargames from the Computer in your Storm Shield or by assisting other players via Community Lookout! 500 Summer tickets and 1 Hot Spots Banner
Simultaion: Saftey Zone Complete the Safety Zone Wargames Simulation. Access Wargames from the Computer in your Storm Shield or by assisting other players via Community Lookout! 500 Summer Tickets and 1 Saftey Zone Banner
Simulation: Denied Complete the Denied Wargames Simulation. Access Wargames from the Computer in your Storm Shield or by assisting other players via Community Lookout! 500 Summer Tickets and 1 Denied Banner
Play Wargames Complete any Wargames Simulation. Access Wargames from the Computer in your Storm Shield or by assisting other players via Community Lookout! 500 Summer Tickets
Wargames With Challange Complete a Wargames Simulation with any selected Challenge. Access Wargames from the Computer in your Storm Shield or by assisting other players via Community Lookout! 500 Summer Tickets

Voice Lines:[]


"Patch 9.33 (July 9, 2019)"
'"Missions + System"'
  • New Wargames Simulation: Double Trouble.
    • Take two Golden Smashers with cycling modifiers, make them indestructible, and set them loose on your fort.
    • If that doesn’t sound horrifying enough, their ill temperament switches between attacking Heroes and the fort.
    • A new Wargames simulation means more chances for Event Tickets, a new banner, and more variety to the Daily Wargames Challenges.

"Patch 9.32 (July 2, 2019)"

'"Missions + System"'
  • New Wargames Simulation: Meltdown.
    • In this simulation, your Storm Shield has gone critical and is emitting a growing radiation field.
    • From what we hear, radiation is unpleasant and causes visibility issues while in direct contact.
    • A new Wargames simulation means more chances for Event Tickets, a new banner, and more variety to the Daily Wargames Challenges.

"Patch 9.30 (June 25, 2019)"

'"Missions + System"'
  • New Wargames Simulation: Shortcut.
    • Strange doors are appearing near the enemy spawners. When husks get near one of these doors they are teleported to one of the exit doors closer to your fort.
    • Some husks that travel through these doors gain elemental effects.
    • A new Wargames simulation means more chances for Event Tickets, a new banner, and more variety to the Daily Wargames Challenges.

"Patch 9.21 (June 12, 2019)"

"'Missions + System'"
  • New Wargames Simulation: Quantum Countdown.
    • In this simulation, an unstable bomb is teleporting around your base. The Husks are drawn to its energy and trying to destroy it. Quickly adapt to protect its new location as the Husks take new, and unexpected, routes.
    • A new Wargames simulation means more chances for Event Tickets, a new banner, and more variety to the Daily Quests.

"Patch 9.20 (June 6. 2019)"

"'Missions + System'"
  • New Wargames Simulation: Invasion
    • A UFO invades the sky above your Storm Shield, blasting your defenses, and beaming down some unwanted company.
    • Destroy that spinning saucer to give your defenses a breather… but like every bad sequel, it will return!
    • A new Wargames simulation means more chances for Event Tickets, a new banner, and more variety to the Daily Quests.

Patch 9.11 (May 29, 2019)

Missions + System
  • New Wargames simulation: Hexed
    • The Heroes are cursed when the simulation begins, and must activate ancient statues to remove the effects.
    • Beware! Not only do the damaging effects of the curse ramp up over time, but the curse will eventually return after it’s cleansed!
    • A new Wargames simulation means more chances for Event Tickets, a new banner, and more variety to the Daily Quests

Patch 9.10 (May 22, 2019)

Missions + System
  • New Wargames Simulation: Space Rocks!
    • Meteors will rain down on your base In this new War Games simulation.
    • Players will face a quick flurry of meteorites or one massive meteor at the end of each wave. Be sure to blast those meteors out of the sky or build some shelter!
    • A new Wargames simulation means more chances for Event Tickets, a new banner, and more variety to the Daily Quests.

Patch 9.01 (May 15, 2019)

Missions + System
  • New Wargames Simulation: Mist Pods
    • Weed that garden, and by garden we mean your Storm Shield. Find and destroy those Mist Pods before they spawn Mini-bosses.
    • A new Wargames simulation means more chances for Event Tickets, a new player banner, and more variety to the Daily Quests.

Patch 9.00 (May 9, 2019)

Missions + System
  • Introducing: Wargames!
    • Revisit your Storm Shield bases and test your defenses against some destructive and challenging simulations. Simulations will exist in all biomes and we’ll be adding more as the season progresses. The first four are:
      • Torn Apart – A tornado is wreaking havoc on your fort! This simulation causes destruction to your structures, flinging players and enemies into the air.
      • Hot Spots – Volcanic ruptures plague this simulation as lava pools sprout from the ground, damaging structures, and converting enemies into the Fire element.
      • Denied – During the course of this simulation, more and more anomaly rifts appear around the defense point. Standing too close to these hazards will sap your energy and your health!
      • In games with more than one player, increasing difficulty requires a majority vote.
      • Safety Zone – With the main Storm Shield down, you will have to rely on portable shield generators. Stay inside one of these protective bubbles or feel the effects of the Storm. Enemies will prioritize destroying the shield generators first so keep them protected!
    • Each simulation requires the players to defend their base for seven minutes. A random amplifier is then selected to defend for another seven minutes.
      • Collect “Time Cheats” that appear around the environment to reduce the wave timer.
    • Wargames ramps up the challenge by requiring another player to revive you when your health is depleted. If everyone goes down you will fail the Wargame, so if you are playing solo you will only have one life to complete the simulation.
    • If the simulations aren’t challenging enough, apply one of nine new challenge modifiers for some bonus rewards. These challenges include:
      • Rolling Fog – A heavy fog obstructs your sights and enemies won’t appear on your mini-map.
      • Close Quarters – Enemy spawn locations appear much closer to your base.
      • Husk Swarm – Only Husks appear in this challenge, but they are at a much higher power level.
      • No Building Zone – No building, no repairs, and no pickaxe.
      • Heavy Explosives – Huskies explode when eliminated. Eliminate them before they get too close!
      • Trapped Out – All of your traps are disabled and none can be placed in this challenge.
      • Full Time – Time Cheats don’t appear in this simulation challenge.
      • Surprise – The Wargames simulation is randomized and will swap to a different one in the second wave.
      • Head Games – Damaged enemies must be finished off with a headshot!
    • The Wargames difficulty and rewards are based on the account level of the lowest player in a party and is averaged with public players that assist in your mission. This is to ensure that there is always a challenge in any Storm Shield location.
    • Wargames steps up the challenge as more players join the mission, by increasing the enemy count and enemy power level.


  • Husk Swarm is currently the only Wargames Modifier to be removed, Epic games removed it due to the oversaturation of "AFK" Wargames grinding which basicly meant that player could just place loads of traps and win the game without even moving.
  • Durning season 9 players could earn tickets for completing wargames, however because of the "AFK" Wargames grinding problem, the tickets were removed and now wargames only give out Gold and Resources
  • After patch 10.00 Wargames have seemingly stopped being supported, with no new modifiers being added.