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Fortnite Wiki
The Horde
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Defend your deployable bases from the unrelenting horde!
Event Road Trip
Genre Regions
Release July 12, 2018

The Horde is an event map region in Save the World that is composed of multi-level Challenge the Horde challenges and Build the Fort map. It's one of the few Events that were re-released.

Build the Fort[]

Build the Fort or the Staging Area is where the players can build defenses and a permanent fort that will be deployed during Challenge the Horde mission. Resources and its quantity that can be used on building will depend on the unlocked Horde Skill Tree nodes. On Staking Territory quest, the player will be required to build at least 10 structure to complete the quest.

Challenge the Horde[]

Challenge the Horde maps are composed of different levels with tiers of challenges and grants various rewards depending on its difficulty including Event tickets and Horde Points upon completion.

Weekly Horde Challenge[]

Weekly Horde Challenge map are challenge zones that has variety of modifiers and wave compositions. It has 4-tier levels accessible depending on the player's power level.

Road Trip[]

On Patch 5.0 version of Challenge the Horde, The Horde map comes in the desert which focuses on a tighter experience with less running from base to base between waves, and more time to focus on building and item-crafting. The Horde region is composed of Build the Fort map and multi-level Challenge the Horde challenges ranging from ⚡9 Power Level to ⚡76 Power Level. A maximum of 10 alert rewards can be obtained during a 24 hour period. Each alert cooldown resets after 24 hour.

Required Rating Recommended Rating Horde Points Reward Tickets Reward
⚡1 Power Level ⚡9 Power Level Horde t1 icon Horde Points Road trip ticket icon 50 Road Trip Tickets
⚡1 Power Level ⚡15 Power Level Horde t1 icon Horde Points Road trip ticket icon 50 Road Trip Tickets
⚡9 Power Level ⚡19 Power Level Horde t2 icon Horde Points Road trip ticket icon 52 Road Trip Tickets
⚡19 Power Level ⚡28 Power Level Horde t2 icon Horde Points Road trip ticket icon 60 Road Trip Tickets
⚡28 Power Level ⚡40 Power Level Horde t2 icon Horde Points Road trip ticket icon 72 Road Trip Tickets
⚡34 Power Level ⚡46 Power Level Horde t3 icon Horde Points Road trip ticket icon 80 Road Trip Tickets
⚡46 Power Level ⚡58 Power Level Horde t3 icon Horde Points Road trip ticket icon 92 Road Trip Tickets
⚡58 Power Level ⚡70 Power Level Horde t3 icon Horde Points Road trip ticket icon 102 Road Trip Tickets
⚡64 Power Level ⚡76 Power Level Horde t4 icon Horde Points Road trip ticket icon 120 Road Trip Tickets

Horde Bash[]

The Horde
Defend your deployable bases from the unrelenting horde!
Event Horde Bash
Genre Regions
Release October 5, 2017

On the earliest version of The Horde that was released as part of the Horde Bash event, the zones includes 3-5 challenges, each with increased difficult up against 10 waves of enemies. Gameplay modifiers were introduced as the waves progress, increasing the difficulty of the foes. A maximum of 6 alert rewards can be obtained during a 24 hour period. Each alert cooldown resets after 24 hour.


Patch 5.20 (August 7, 2018)

Mission + Systems

  • Added Required Power Ratings to Challenge the Horde missions.

Bug Fixes

  • The fourth player joining a Build a Fort mission no longer spawns underneath the terrain.
