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Fortnite Wiki
Fortnite Wiki
Teams of 33
Teams of 33
Three teams of thirty-three players fight to the finish!
Genre Battle Royale LTM
Queue Type Squads iconSquads
Release December 19, 2018
Version V1

Just like its sister gamemode Teams of 20, Teams of 33 is a large team Battle Royale LTM first introduced on the first two days of the 14 Days of Fortnite event. Gameplay is similar to 50v50, but instead of two teams of fifty players, there are three teams of thirty-three players. Like 50v50, each team jumps from their own Battle Bus at the beginning of the match.

LTM Rules and Gameplay[]

Storm zone icon Storm and Map[]

  • Each team is composed of five squads of four players.
  • All teammates will be displayed in green on the map.
  • The Map screen now shows total number of players alive on each team.
  • Teams of 20 has six Storm Circles instead of nine. Most matches will end within 20 minutes.
  • Storm Circle Timings:
    • Storm Circle 1: Random location. 120s wait, 180s shrink time.
    • Storm Circle 2: Random location. 120s wait, 90s shrink time.
    • Storm Circle 3: Location centered on previous storm (for the rest of the match). 120s wait, 90s shrink time.
    • Storm Circle 4: 120s wait, 60s shrink.
    • Storm Circle 5: 180s wait, 60s shrink.
    • Storm Circle 6: 120s wait, 120s shrink.

Loot icon Loot[]

  • Increased chances of treasure chests spawning from 50-70% to 60-80%.
  • Increased chances of ammo boxes spawning from 65-80% to 75-90%.
  • Supply Drops always come in batches of 5 instead of varying amounts per Storm Circle. Supply Drop rate increased from 180 (+/- 30s) to 210 (+/- 30s).

