Steamy Stacks is a named Point Of Interest in Battle Royale added in Chapter 2 Season 1, located inside the coordinates G2 and H2, east of Craggy Cliffs, and north of Dirty Docks. It is a nuclear power plant using the energy of the CUBE as a coolant for the reactor. The facility is owned and operated by a company called Kevolution Energy.
There are power lines coming out of this location connecting it to Retail Row, the power lines are actually Ziplines that can be ridden all the way to Retail Row. Each of the buildings in the location are numbered to 5, but for some reason there is no building 1, it starts at 2. Steamy Stacks has a total of 22 chests.
Points and Sublocations[]
* Click on the map to view geographic sub-locations. |
Steamy Stacks during Chapter 2 Season 4
Steamy Stacks before The Zero Crisis Finale
Building 2 (Reactor Hall)[]
The main building in the complex. It has a lobby and multiple offices. The reactor hall contains the main reactor in a pool of purple liquid, which most likely acts as a coolant. This is very similar to a real-life pool-type nuclear reactor. The purple color of the coolant is likely caused by the energy of the CUBE. This room is seems to be highly contaminated and radioactive (or at the very least dangerous for some reason) as all the the entrances are accessed through two heavy (probably lead lined) doors. The radioactive liquid doesn't, however, have any actual effects on the players who enter the room or the liquid. Unusually, it's possible to fish in this liquid. There is the primary control room that overlooks the reactor, as well as a smaller one with pink donuts on the control panels. This is a reference to the popular TV show "The Simpsons", where Homer Simpson, who likes donuts, works as a safety inspector at the Springfield nuclear power plant.
Building 3 (Transformer Yard)[]
The smallest of the buildings in the complex by far, the actual transformer yard is fenced off. The power lines come out of the transformers connect to the small substation in Retail Row.
Building 4 (Turbine Hall)[]
The building houses the turbine, the pipes coming from building 2 appear to be headed to the turbine building. The electricity created from the turbine is sent into building 3.
If you dig underneath one of the stairwells, you can uncover a hidden basement. Inside you can find a table and a couple of chairs but in the corner you can find a orange case with a metallic object on top. This is a reference to the movie Tenet, you can hear the music from the trailer if you get close enough.
Building 5 (Pumphouse)[]
The building is located behind the cooling towers. The pumphouse is used to pump the waste product into the cooling towers. It has a large garage/warehouse.
Other Loot Spots[]
- Cooling Towers
- Parking Lot
- Gate
- Outlets Into Ocean
- Stations near Cooling Towers
Challenge | Challenges | Reward |
Ride the Steamy Stacks, a Zipline, and use a Secret Passage in a single match | Meowscles' Mischief | 40,000 |
Search 10 chests at Frenzy Farm or Steamy Stacks | Meowscles' Mischief | 40,000 |
Deliver 10 fish to SHADOW | Meowscles' Mischief | Meowscles SHADOW Style |
Deliver 10 fish to GHOST | Meowscles' Mischief | Meowscles GHOST Style |
Search 5 Chests in different Named Locations | Midas' Mission | 40,000 |
Search 5 different golden pipe wrenches | Midas' Mission | 40,000 |
Bring 2 legendary weapons to a SHADOW mailbox. | Midas' Mission | Midas SHADOW Style |
Bring 2 legendary weapons to a GHOST mailbox. | Midas' Mission | Midas GHOST Style |
Eliminations at Steamy Stacks (3) | Chapter 2 Season 3 Week 1 Challenges | 35,000 |
Land a Choppa at the bottom of a Steamy Stacks (1) | Chapter 2 Season 3 Week 3 Challenges | 35,000 |
Search Ammo Boxes at Steamy Stacks (7) | Chapter 2 Season 3 Week 4 Challenges | 35,000 |
Stage 2 of 3 - Ride the Steamy Stacks in the storm as Storm (1) | Storm Awakening Challenges | |
Stage 2 of 3 - Use an Upgrade Bench as Tony Stark (1) | Iron Man Awakening Challenges | |
Search Chests at Steamy Stacks (7) | Chapter 2 Season 4 Week 3 Challenges | 25,000 |
Ride a Zipline from Retail Row to Steamy Stacks (7) | Chapter 2 Season 4 Week 6 Challenges | 25,000 |
Visit different Named Locations in a single match (5) | Chapter 2 Season 4 Week 8 Challenges | 25,000 |
Collect Floating Rings at Steamy Stacks (5) | Chapter 2 Season 4 Week 9 Challenges | 25,000 |
Related Achievements[]
- Going Nuclear: Eliminated 235 opponents at Steamy Stacks.
Map Changes[]
- Steamy Stacks was added to the map.
- December 7th: Multiple posters have appeared around Steamy Stacks, having the same information as the Risky Reels movie screen of Star Wars.
- December 15th: All posters about the Star Wars event have been taken down.
- December 25th: Steamy Stacks has been covered in snow.
- January 8th: The snow melted from Steamy Stacks.
- Several Ghost and Shadow mailboxes and Shadow recruitment posters have appeared around Steamy Stacks.
- April 17th: Multiple posters have appeared around Steamy Stacks relating to music, a planet, and Sweaty Sands.
- The Astronomical Event posters hung around Steamy Stacks have been updated, showing the time and dates of the Astronomical Event.
- All posters about the Travis Scott’s Astronomical Event have been taken down.
- Steamy Stacks has suffered minor flooding.
- July 1st: The flood decreased, making the parking lot of Steamy Stacks accessible again. The parking lot suffered minor damaging.
- A secret bunker has been added under Steamy Stacks
- Tony Stark has set up Rift Beacons in Steamy Stacks.
- September 6th: The Stark Beacons have been activated.
- The Stark Beacons have been deactivated after created a piece of land that replaced Frenzy Farm, Mowdown, Steel Farm, Scenic Spot, and The Orchard.
The Devourer Of Worlds Event[]
- Steamy Stacks was sucked into the Zero Point.
V15.0 []
- Targets have been set up at Steamy Stacks.
- Racing lines have been set up at Steamy Stacks
- Bullseye and Turk can be found here as Characters.
- The Stark Beacons have been removed.
- A Portal has appeared near Steamy Stacks
- The target practice was removed.
- Turk has moved near Green Steel Bridge.
- The Good Doctor can be found here.
- This location was originally meant to be called "Power Plant" as hinted in the game files. It was more than likely changed due to being too similar to a POI name on the original Battle Royale map - Pressure Plant.
- Steamy Stacks prefabs can be found in creative, under "Power Plant", the location's original name.
Steamy Stacks before Chapter 2 Season 3
Steamy Stacks during Chapter 2 Season 3
Steamy Stacks Before Chapter 2 Season 4
Steamy Stacks Before V15.21
Steamy Stacks Before The Zero Crisis Finale