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The Spy Games event was a Chapter 2 Season 2, spy themed event in Battle Royale introduced with Patch 12.20. The event began on March 17th, 2020 and lasted till the end of Chapter 2 Season 2.

Battle Royale[]

The Spy Games menu was available for selection in the Battle Pass Tab. Upon entering, the player was presented with a screen that resembles the Battle Pass, with unlockable tiers of 'tech' (which consists of weapons, perks, and items) that were available for use in Operations once unlocked. There were two sections of tiers, one for Shadow, and one for Ghost. When the player chooses an allegiance to either side, they could earn that side's respective tech by playing Operations and gaining intel in-game. Players could switch allegiances at any time through the Spy Games menu.

Every player starts out with 'Starter Tech', and has access to the other sides Starter Tech as well, no matter which side they are on. Players do not gain access to every perk or weapon right away, and can choose between them once in an Operation (choices are not permanent).

Operation Gamemodes[]

Operation: Dropzone LTM

  • Two teams of no more than 16 players drop onto a small circle placed randomly throughout the map; the circle moving around periodically during the match.
  • Similar to Team Rumble with new additions: Both team battles for a elimination count of 150.
  • Throughout the match, players have a choice to use their tech against players that give them an advantage to fight.
  • During the match, players must collect Intel that drops like Supply Drops, which collected gives 10 eliminations towards elimination count of 150.
    • Throughout a game, tech points will be rewarded throughout the match. Five tech points can earn a piece of new tech shown in the Spy Games section of the Battle Pass Tab. Players receive 2 tech points for playing the game (originally 0), 1 per Intel Drop (max per round is 5), and 2 for winning the match (originally 1), making max tech points for each game 9.
  • One of each material is earned every second.

Operation: Knockout LTM (Duos/Squads)

  • Groups of 2 or 4 battle it out in a tournament to the last team.
  • Four stages of battle: round of 16, quarter finals, semi finals, and finals in different Named Locations or Landmarks.
    • In the Round of 16, two teams fight for 16 team eliminations, and rounds afterwards are about getting more eliminations than the enemy team before the time runs out.
  • When a team loses, they are forced to start another match, however winners stay for the next stages until they either win or lose the finals.
  • Throughout each round, players once again have choice to use the tech they earned to fight against other players. Players earn tech points throughout the match, 2 can be earned each round, 1 for playing the whole round and 1 winning the round, and 2 can be earned for successfully winning a match (originally 1), making the max tech points for each full game 10.

Operation: Payload LTM

  • Two teams of 8 either escort or stop the payload truck.
  • There are 4 matches, two of each in different locations, and each round switching the player's side.
  • Throughout each match, players can choose tech they earned to defend or stop the payload truck and opponents. Players can earn 1 tech point every match, 1 tech point for winning, and 1 for getting all 3 or 4 victories, making the max tech points for each full game 9.
  • If the match ends with a draw, where both teams get 2 victories, the player won't get the "Operation success" tech point.

Operation: Infiltration LTM

  • Two teams of 8 either defend or steal a intel case.
  • There are 4 matches, two of each in different locations, and each round switching the player's side.
  • Throughout each match, players can choose tech they earned to defend or steal the intel case. Players can earn 1 tech point every match, 1 tech point per win, and 2 for getting 3 victories (a player can't get 4 wins), making the max tech points for each full game 8.

Tech List[]

Starter Tech (Tier 1)[]

Ghost Logo


Shadow Logo


Image Unlock Image Unlock
New AR icon Starter Assault Rifle (Uncommon)

(31 damage)

(33 damage with Gun Smith, Rare)

Submachine Gun (Chapter 2) Starter Submachine Gun (Uncommon)

(18 damage)

(19 damage with Gun Smith, Rare)

Automatic sniper icon Starter Semi-Auto Sniper (Uncommon)

(75 damage)

(78 damage with Gun Smith, Rare)

Pump shotgun Starter Pump Shotgun (Uncommon)

(80 damage)

(90 damage with Gun Smith, Rare)

ProximityMine Proximity Mine (Rare)

(50 damage)

Bandage Bazooka Compact Bandage Bazooka (Rare)

(50 damage)

Sneaking Sneaky Tech

(Move faster while crouching)

Overprepared Overprepared Tech

(More ammunition when respawned)

Therapeutic Therapeutic Swim

(Heal 5 HP/sec while swimming)

GunsmithSpyGames Gunsmith Tech

(Increases wepon rarity, not working with Legendary & Mythic weapons)

Reloaded Speed Reload

(Reaload all weapons a lot faster)

PartFish Part Fish Tech

(Swim faster)

All Tech (Tier 2-50)[]

Ghost Logo


Shadow Logo


Tier Image Unlock Tier Image Unlock
2 New Scoped Assault Rifle Scoped AR (Rare)

(Assault Rifle with scoped visibility for increased range)

(34 damage)

(36 damage with Gunsmith, Epic)

2 Rapid Fire SMG Rapidfire SMG (Rare)

(High rate of fire short-range weapon)

(15 damage)

(16 damage with Gunsmith, Epic)

3 BattleReady Battle Ready Tech (Spawn with shields applied)

(50 shields when spawned)

3 SlurpDrop Shield Drip Tech (Gain shields over time)

(1 shield per second)

4 CreepinCardboard Creepin' Cardboard (Rare)

(Nothing to see here. Just a moving box)

4 Decoy Decoy (Rare)

(Creates a lookalike of yourself to trick opponents)

5 DoubleJump Double Jump Tech (Jump twice) 5 RunAndGun Run & Gun Tech (Improved hip-fire accuracy for all weapons)
6 Assault Rifle Battle Royale gif Assault Rifle (Rare)

(Medium-range weapon with increased rarity)

(33 damage)

(35 damage with Gunsmith, Epic)

6 Submachine Gun battle royale gif Submachine Gun (Rare)

(Short-range weapon with increased rarity)

(19 damage)

(20 damage with Gunsmith,Epic)

7 ProximityMine Proximity Mine (Epic)

(Spawn with additional Proximity Mines)

(50 damage)

7 Bandage Bazooka Compact Bandage Bazooka (Epic)

(Bandage Bazooka that holds more charges)

8 Bolt action sniper rifle battle royale gif Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle (Rare)

(Single-shot sniper rifle with long-range scope)

(105 damage)

(110 damage with Gunsmith, Epic)

8 Heavy Shotgun Heavy Shotgun (Rare)

(Shotgun with improved precision at range)

(71 damage)

(74 damage with Gunsmith, Epic)

9 TracerRounds Trace Rounds Tech (Mark opponents you damage for a short time) 9 PickaxeRun Pickaxe Run Tech (Run faster while holding your pickaxe)
10 ChugSplashv2 Chug Splash (Rare)

(Applies shields to yourself and nearby teammates)

(20 health/shield)

10 Jetpack icon Jetpack (Rare)

(Take flight in short bursts)

11 Suppressed smg icon Suppressed SMG (Rare)

(Quiet short-range automatic weapon)

(22 damage)

(23 damage with Gunsmith, Epic)

11 Bald Eagle icon Hand Cannon (Rare)

(Slow-firing powerful pistol)

(Tier 32 techs also works on this weapon)

(71 damage)

(75 damage with Gunsmith, Epic)

12 CreepinCardboard Creepin' Cardboard + (Epic)

(Creepin' Cardboard that you're in can withstand more damage)

12 Decoy Decoy + (Epic)

(Create a lookalike of yourself that has shields)

13 Automatic sniper icon Semi-Auto Sniper (Rare)

(Long-range weapon with increased rarity)

(78 damage)

(81 damage with Gunsmith, Epic)

13 Pump shotgun battle royale gif Pump Shotgun + (Rare)

(Short-range weapon with increased rarity)

(90 damage)

(100 damage with Gunsmith, Epic)

14 Reinvigorated Reinvigorated Tech (Instantly regain health after an elimination)

(Instantly regain 50 health after an elimination)

14 ShieldSteal Shield Steal Tech (Gain shields by damaging shielded opponents)

(Gain 50% of your opponents shields by damaging shielded opponents)

15 New Scoped Assault Rifle Scoped AR + (Epic)

(Scoped Assault Rifle with reduced recoil)

(36 damage)

(37 damage with Gunsmith, Legendary)

15 Rapid Fire SMG Rapidfire SMG + (Epic)

(Rapidfire SMG with an increased magazine size)

(From 20 to 26)

(16 damage)

(17 damage with Gunsmith, Legendary)

16 ChugSplashv2 Chug Splash + (Epic)

(Chug Splash that provide additional shield over time)

(20 health/shield + additional 5 shields per second)

16 Jetpack icon Jetpack + (Epic)

(Jetpack that regenerates charge while not in use)

17 PartingGift Parting Gift Tech (Leave behind a Proximity Mine where you were eliminated)

(50 damage)

17 AirRaid Air Raid Tech (Deal increased damage while airborne for longer than a second)

(Deal x1.5 damage while airborne for longer than a second)

(Can be stacked with any damage type tech)

18 ShieldBubble Shield Bubble (Rare)

(Creates a barrier that blocks bullets)

18 Clinger icon Clinger (Rare)

(An explosive that sticks to players and surfaces)

(100 damage)

19 Tactical Shotgun battle royale gif Tactical Shotgun (Rare)

(Fast-firing close-quarters shotgun)

(79 damage)

(83 damage with Gunsmith, Epic)

19 Heavy Assault Rifle Heavy AR (Rare)

(Medium-range rifle with hard-hitting bullets)

(37 damage)

(39 damage with Gunsmith, Epic)

20 Regenerative Tanky Tech (Regain some lost health or shields after taking damage) 20 AdrenalineRush Adrenaline Rush Tech (Increased sprinting speed after taking damage)
21 ShieldBubble Shield Bubble + (Rare)

(Inside the bubble gives Hop Rock effects)

21 Clinger icon Clinger + (Epic)

(Sticky explosives that you can throw more frequently)

(100 damage)

22 Suppressed smg icon Suppressed SMG + (Epic)

(Quiet SMG that deals increased damage with its last 5 bullets)

(Quiet SMG that deals x2 damage with its last 5 bullets)

(23/46 damage)

(24/48 damage with Gunsmith, Legendary)

22 Heavy Shotgun Heavy Shotgun + (Epic)

(Precision shotgun with increased range)

(74 damage)

(77 damage with Gunsmith, Legendary)

23 PistolSuppressor Trusty Suppressor Tech (Trusty Pistol shots are quiet)

(But magazine size decreased to 12 or 20 with Trusty Magazine)

(Can be stacked with any Trusty Pistol Techs, except the Copy Cat Tech)

(24 damage from a Common Pistol)

23 DualPistolWield Trusty Dual Wield Tech (Trusty Pistol is dual-wielded and rarity is increased)

(Can be stacked with any Trusty Pistol Techs, except the Copy Cat Tech)

(37 damage from a Common Pistol)

24 Bolt action sniper gray to blue Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle + (Rare)

(Sniper rifle that can reload while not being held)

(105 damage)

(110 damage with Gunsmith, Epic)

24 Bald Eagle icon Hand Cannon + (Epic)

(Powerful pistol with kickback that propels you backwards)

(Tier 32 techs also works on this weapon)

(75 damage)

(78 damage with Gunsmith, Legendary)

25 GlassCannon Glass Cannon Tech (Deal more damage, but receive more damage)

(Deal x1.5 damage, but receive x1.5 damage)

(Can be stacked with any damage type tech)

(Can be stacked with Strong Resolve Tech)

25 TracerRounds Informant Tech (Opponents you eliminate reveal nearby opponents)
26 Grappler icon Grappler (Rare)

(Fling yourself toward nearby surfaces)

26 KingsmanUmbrella Kingsman (Rare)

(High tech parasol that blocks bullets and smacks stuff)

(50-100 damage)

27 Suppressed Sniper Rifle Suppressed Sniper Rifle (Rare)

(Quiet single-shot sniper rifle with long-range scope)

(90 damage)

(95 damage with Gunsmith, Epic)

27 Tac-ar Tactical Assault Rifle (Rare)

(Medium-range automatic compact rifle)

(22 damage)

(23 damage with Gunsmith, Epic)

28 GliderRedeploy Glider Redeploy Tech (Deploy your glider while airborne)

(Can be stacked with Tailwinds Tech)

28 MetalArmor Metal Armor Tech (Gathered metal converts to shield over time)

(3 shields per metal)

29 Suppressed assault rifle icon Assault Rifle + (Epic)

(Quiet medium-range automatic weapon)

(Deals the same damage of an Epic AR)

(35 damage)

(36 damage with Gunsmith, Legendary)

29 New Compact SMG Submachine Gun+ (Epic)

(Short-range weapon with increased magazine size)

(Magazine size increases from 30 to 50)

(20 damage)

(21 damage with Gunsmith, Legendary)

30 DanceSupport Dance Support Tech (Emoting heals yourself and nearby teammates)

(10 health)

30 FromTheBrink From the Brink Tech (Deal more damage while at low health)

(Deal x1.3 damage while at low health)

(Can be stacked with any damage type tech)

31 Automatic sniper icon Semi-Auto Sniper+


(Long-range weapon with increased fire rate)

(The fire rate is now 6.75, and it can one shot opponents if it is a headshot)

(81 damage)

(85 damage with Gunsmith, Legendary)

31 Legendary Heavy AR Heavy AR +


(Hard-hitting assault rifle with increased fire rate)

(Fire rate is very slightly faster than the Assault Rifle and Suppressed Assault Rifle)

(39 damage)

(41 damage with Gunsmith, Legendary)

32 TrustyHeadhunter Trusty Headhunter Tech (Trusty Pistol headshots deal more damage and rarity is increased)

(Deal x2.25 headshot damage with any pistol)

(Can be stacked with any damage type tech)

(Can be stacked with any Trusty Pistol Techs, except the Copy Cat Tech)

(25 damage from a Common Pistol)

32 PistolMagazine Trusty Magazine Tech (Trusty Pistol magazine size and rarity is increased)

(24 for normal Pistols, 20 for Suppressed Pistols, 26 for Dual Suppressed Pistols and Dual Pistols, 15 for Hand Cannons and 14 for Scoped Revolvers)

(Can be stacked with any Trusty Pistol Techs, except the Copy Cat Tech)

(25 damage from a Common Pistol)

33 CrashPad Crash Pad (Rare)

(Land safe and bounce high)

33 Impulse grenade icon Impulse Grenade (Rare)

(Propel yourself and others away upon detonation.)

34 Copycat Copy Cat Tech (Trusty Pistol is replaced by an item from eliminated opponents)

(But doesn't include the ability of the item, example: the tier 29 SMG, doesn't include the 50 magazine size.)

(Can not be stacked with any Trusty Pistol Techs, but you can still select them.

Just the Trusty Pistols Techs won't work, except the Trusty Magazine and Trusty Headhunter which still works on the Hand Cannon and Scoped Revolver)

34 Resupply Resupply Tech (Eliminations give all tech ammo or charges)

(20 for Light Bullets, 10 for Medium Bullets, 2 for Shells 'n' Slugs and Heavy Bullets)

35 FastCharge Fast Charge Tech (Improved charge rate on all tech)

(instant charge)

35 HastyHarvest Hasty Harvest Tech (Hit Weak Spots to temporarily increase pickaxe swing speed)
36 StrongResolve Strong Resolve Tech (Reduced flinch after taking damage) 36 Tailwinds Tailwinds Tech (Increased glider speed)

(Can be stacked with Glider Redeploy Tech)

37 Stink bomb icon Stink Bomb (Rare)

(Creates a smell so bad that it hurts)

(5 damage)

37 Dynamite icon Dynamite (Rare)

(Loud explosive that destroys structures)

(70 damage)

38 Burst AR battle royale gif Burst Assault Rifle (Rare)

(Medium-range rifle that shoots in 3 round bursts)

(30 damage)

(32 damage with Gunsmith, Epic)

38 Minigun icon Minigun (Rare)

(Continuous fast-firing weapon)

(19 damage)

(20 damage with Gunsmith, Epic)

39 Tactical Shotgun (M1014) Tactical Shotgun + (Epic)

(Tactical Shotgun that fires more pellets)

(Means more damage)

(107 damage)

(113 damage with Gunsmith, Legendary)

39 Pump shotgun battle royale gif Pump Shotgun + (Rare)

(Pump Shotgun with improved headshot damage)

(Headshot damage is now x2.5 instead of x2)

(90 damage)

(100 damage with Gunsmith, Epic)

40 CrashPad Crash Pad + (Epic)

(Land safe and bounce even higher)

40 Tac-ar Tactical Assault Rifle + (Epic)

(Tactical AR with improved recoil and headshot damage)

(23 damage)

(24 damage with Gunsmith, Legendary)

41 Suppressed Sniper Rifle Suppressed Sniper Rifle + (Epic)

(Suppressed Sniper Rifle with thermal vision scope)

(The scope on the Thermal Scoped Assault Rifle with increased range)

(95 damage)

(100 damage with Gunsmith, Legendary)

41 Shockwave grenade icon Shockwave Grenade (Epic)

(Impulse farther and through structures. Replaces Impulse Grenade)

42 AgileAim-L Agile Aim Tech (Increased mobility while aiming down sights) 42 MaterialsMaster-L Materials Master Tech (Increased starting materials and harvesting rate)

(100 Wood, Stone, and Metal on spawn)

43 Stink bomb icon Stink Bomb + (Epic)

(Stink Bomb with a longer-lasting smell)

(5 damage)

43 Dynamite icon Dynamite + (Epic)

(Dynamite that propels everyone into the air)

(70 damage)

44 Grappler icon Grappler + (Epic)

(Grappler with increased range)

44 KingsmanUmbrella Kingsman + (Epic)

(Kingsman that can block more incoming damage)

(50-100 damage)

45 Sharpshooter-L Sharpshooter Tech (Increased headshot damage, but reduced body damage)

(Increased headshot damage to x1.5 plus the amount of the weapon, but reduced body damage to x0.5)

(Can be stacked with any damage type tech)

45 SharpenedStick-L Sharpened Stick Tech (Pickaxe damage increases with successive hits vs opponents)

(10 > 20 > 30 > 40 > 50 > 60 damage, total of 210 damage)

46 Aug icon Burst Assault Rifle + (Epic)

(Burst Assault Rifle with increased structure damage)

(32 damage)

(33 damage with Gunsmith, Legendary)

46 Minigun icon Minigun + (Epic)

(Minigun with faster spin-up and improved overheat capacity)

(20 damage)

(21 damage with Gunsmith, Legendary)

47 ShieldEnergy-L Shield Synergy Tech (Gain some shields when you gain health)

(Example: You gained 50 health, you will get 25 shields. So you gain 50% shields of the health you gained)

47 LowGrav-L Low Grav Tech (Stay airborne longer)

(Also no longer take fall damage)

48 Scoped Revolver Scoped Revolver + (Epic)

(Scoped Revolver with improved fire rate and recoil)

(The fire rate is now 2.5 Tier 32 techs also works on this weapon)

(42 damage)

(44 damage with Gunsmith, Legendary)

48 Obliterator icon Heavy Sniper + (Epic)

(Heavy Sniper with a chance to instantly reload)

(126 damage)

(132 damage with Gunsmith, Legendary)

49 MandatoryBoogie-L Mandatory Boogie Tech (Eliminations force you to boogie)

'(Will heal your health by 2 quickly while you boogie)

49 ComeAtMeBro-L Come At Me Bro Tech (Reveal your location to opponents at all times)
50 Drum gun icon Midas' Drum Gun (Mythic)

(The gold standard)

(25 damage)

50 Tntina's ka-boom bow icon TNTina's Ka-Boom Bow (Mythic)


(100 direct damage, 75 splash damage)

If you want to see all Guns & Items that are exclusive to Spy Games see Spy Games/Exclusive Items.

Tech Strategies[]

  • You should always choose the Heavy Shotgun and Tactical Shotgun over the Pump Shotgun. Since they both have decent damage and better firerate than the Pump Shotgun. The tier 39 Tactical Shotgun deals 107 damage, so you should choose it over the Pump Shotgun and (probably) Heavy Shotgun with Gun Smith Tech, too.
  • The Suppressed SMG is not very effective regardless of upgrades when compared to the standard Submachine Gun and Rapidfire SMG as it boasts a much slower fire rate than either, with equal headshot damage compared to the Submachine Gun and not much stealth as it's mostly pointless. Accuracy is okay at the beginning but then gets worse than many other SMGs.
  • The Tactical Assault Rifle is also quite ineffective dealing the same low damage as the Suppressed SMG with longer range and a slower fire rate. Any other assault rifle will do better as they take fewer shots to eliminate and have longer range as well as higher damage per second.
  • The Scoped Assault Rifle deals 1 more damage than the Assault Rifle with less than half the fire rate. The scope does give it 100% accuracy, but it still has damage dropoff, making it quite ineffective compared to other ARs.
    • The Air Raid Tech plus the Jetpack or Double Jump or Low Grav Techs are super useful with a weapon that deals 75 damage or above.
  • The Glass Cannon Tech is not that useful, since you take alot of damage, but can heavily increase your damage output, sometimes decreasing the amount of shots to elim. So unless you can dodge bullets very well, have high health, and shield tech, don't choose the Glass Cannon Tech.
  • The Heavy Assault Rifle + deals 4 / 6 more damage than a Assault Rifle + (Suppressed Assault Rifle) and both have a similar firerate, so you should choose it over the AR +. But the Heavy AR + has worse accuracy plus a slow reload time.
  • You should always choose the tier 29 Submachine Gun over the tier 38 Minigun, since it can eliminate an opponent with 1 less bullet, does not overheat and has no spin-up time. Unless you have the tier 46 Minigun which can fire longer since its overheat capacity is improved and the spin-up time is very short.
  • Damage type techs (Except Sharpshooter) with the TNTina's Ka-Boom Bow is very effective against opponents with less then 100 health.
  • The Mandatory Boogie tech is useless and puts you at a disadvantage, only healing 20 health in total if not damaged, while being unable to shoot. If you want to regain health after eliminations, go with the reinvigorated tech, which heals 50 health, but you should make sure to always avoid it.
  • Midas' Drum Gun is best choice for you as it can deal a lot of damage with an extremely good accuracy.

Trusty Pistol[]

We are not including Gunsmith as it only increases the rarity of the gun.

Trusty Pistol
Bullet Type Light bullets icon
DPS 162
Damage 24
Fire Rate 6.75
Magazine Size 16
Reload Time 1.5
Structure Damage 24
A Pistol that everyone gets in a game of Spy Games. It can be upgraded using Techs.
Trusty Pistol
Bullet Type Light bullets icon
DPS 168.75
Damage 25
Fire Rate 6.75
Magazine Size 24
Reload Time 1.5
Structure Damage 25

How to Obtain : Get the Trusty Magazine Tech

(Tier 32, Shadow)
Trusty Pistol
Bullet Type Light bullets icon
DPS 168.75
Damage 25
Fire Rate 6.75
Magazine Size 16
Reload Time 1.5
Structure Damage 25

Increases headshot damage to deal 62 instead of 50. How to Obtain : Get the Trusty Headhunter Tech

(Tier 32, Ghost)
Trusty Dual Pistols
Dual pistols icon
Bullet Type Medium bullets icon
DPS 146.52
Damage 37
Fire Rate 3.96
Magazine Size 18
Reload Time 3.2
Structure Damage 37

How to Obtain : Get the Trusty Dual Wield Tech

(Tier 23, Shadow)
Trusty Suppressed Pistol
Suppressed pistol icon
Bullet Type Light bullets icon
DPS 162
Damage 24
Fire Rate 6.75
Magazine Size 12
Reload Time 1.5
Structure Damage 24

How to Obtain : Get the Trusty Suppressor Tech

(Tier 23, Ghost)
Trusty Pistol
Bullet Type Light bullets icon
DPS 175.5
Damage 26
Fire Rate 6.75
Magazine Size 24
Reload Time 1.5
Structure Damage 26
How to Obtain : Get the Trusty Magazine Tech & Trusty Headhunter Tech
Trusty Suppressed Pistol
Suppressed pistol icon
Bullet Type Light bullets icon
DPS 168.75
Damage 25
Fire Rate 6.75
Magazine Size 20
Reload Time 1.4
Structure Damage 24
How to Obtain : Get the Trusty Suppressor Tech & Trusty Magazine Tech
Trusty Suppressed Pistol
Suppressed pistol icon
Bullet Type Light bullets icon
DPS 168.75
Damage 25
Fire Rate 6.75
Magazine Size 12
Reload Time 1.4
Structure Damage 24

Increases headshot damage to deal 62 instead of 50.

How to Obtain : Get the Trusty Suppressor Tech & Trusty Headhunter Tech.
Trusty Dual Pistols
Dual pistols icon
Bullet Type Medium bullets icon
DPS 154.44
Damage 39
Fire Rate 3.96
Magazine Size 18
Reload Time 3.0
Structure Damage 39

Increases headshot damage to deal 97 instead of 76.

How to Obtain : Get the Trusty Dual Wield Tech & Trusty Headhunter Tech.
Trusty Dual Pistols
Dual pistols icon
Bullet Type Medium bullets icon
DPS 154.44
Damage 39
Fire Rate 3.96
Magazine Size 26
Reload Time 3.0
Structure Damage 39
How to Obtain : Get the Trusty Dual Wield Tech & Trusty Magazine Tech.
Trusty Dual Suppressed Pistols
Dual Suppressed Pistols Icon
Bullet Type Medium bullets icon
DPS 154.44
Damage 39
Fire Rate 3.96
Magazine Size 18
Reload Time 3.0
Structure Damage 39
How to Obtain : Get the Trusty Dual Wield Tech & Trusty Suppressor Tech.
Trusty Suppressed Pistol
Suppressed pistol icon
Bullet Type Light bullets icon
DPS 175.5
Damage 26
Fire Rate 6.75
Magazine Size 18
Reload Time 1.3
Structure Damage 24

Increases headshot damage to deal 65 instead of 52.

How to Obtain : Get the Trusty Suppressor Tech, Trusty Headhunter Tech & Trusty Magazine Tech.
Trusty Dual Pistols
Dual pistols icon
Bullet Type Medium bullets icon
DPS 162.36
Damage 41
Fire Rate 3.96
Magazine Size 26
Reload Time 2.8
Structure Damage 41

Increases headshot damage to deal 102 instead of 82.

How to Obtain : Get the Trusty Dual Wield Tech, Trusty Headhunter Tech & Trusty Magazine Tech.
Trusty Dual Suppressed Pistols
Dual Suppressed Pistols Icon
Bullet Type Medium bullets icon
DPS 162.36
Damage 41
Fire Rate 3.96
Magazine Size 18
Reload Time 2.8
Structure Damage 41

Increases headshot damage to deal 102 instead of 82.

How to Obtain : Get the Trusty Dual Wield Tech, Trusty Suppressor Tech & Trusty Headhunter Tech.
Trusty Dual Suppressed Pistols
Dual Suppressed Pistols Icon
Bullet Type Medium bullets icon
DPS 162.36
Damage 41
Fire Rate 3.96
Magazine Size 26
Reload Time 2.8
Structure Damage 41
How to Obtain : Get the Trusty Dual Wield Tech, Trusty Suppressor Tech & Trusty Magazine Tech.
Trusty Dual Suppressed Pistols
Dual Suppressed Pistols Icon
Bullet Type Medium bullets icon
DPS 170.28
Damage 43
Fire Rate 3.96
Magazine Size 26
Reload Time 2.6
Structure Damage 43

Increases headshot damage to deal 104 instead of 86.

How to Obtain : Get ALL Trusty Techs : Trusty Dual Wield Tech, Trusty Suppressor Tech, Trusty Magazine Tech & Trusty Headhunter Tech.
Copycat'ed Gun
With the Copycat Tech, changes the Trusty Pistol to the same gun as the gun that was held by the opponent you killed. Eliminating the same opponent reverts back to the Trusty Pistol. Eliminating someone else, will get the same gun as the opponent's.

Challenges & Rewards[]

During the first days of the event, new challenges are available to complete. Completing these challenges would simply reward players with XP. The challenges are only able to be completed in Operation Matches. The challenges will be available to complete until the end of the season.

  • Eliminate Players in Operation matches (10) | Season xp icon80,000
  • Deal damage to players in Operation matches (1,000) | Season xp icon80,000
  • Win a match in Operation matches (1) | Season xp icon80,000


3. On the Map Challenges in Chapter 2 Season 3, there was a Spy Games tab, without any challenges. It was removed a few hours later.
