Smashers are tank-like enemies whose primary purpose is to smash through a fort's defenses to allow other monsters access. They have high health and will quickly demolish almost any type of Building. They also deal damage if the player gets struck by one. However, they do not directly damage the objective themselves.
They are first introduced during Stonewood Storm Shield Defense 4 and are primarily found in siege/defense Missions but they can be found patrolling and sleeping in the maps as well.
If Smashers are disturbed while patrolling or sleeping, then they will only attack players.
In later areas, their charge attack can be particularly devastating, able to heavily damage an unaware hero, if not outright kill them. They can be found roaming in the map starting in higher levels of the Plankerton tier and often appear during sieges in all tiers. They are especially dangerous when close quarters near the base. They are highly resistant to impact and are hard to eliminate due to their high health.
- Slam - Slams the ground when attacked within melee range by heroes. Does high damage and knocks back.
- Charge - Charges in a straight line, knocking back heroes, along with high damage. After completing the charge, the smasher will be tuckered out and be unable to attack or move for a short moment. If the smasher targets the player, then their charge will chase the targeted player.
- Wall Crasher - Similar to charge but the smasher spins as it does so, devastating walls. A fully upgraded metal wall -- if reinforced with a Constructor's B.A.S.E. -- may be able to survive one of these, but will rarely survive another.
Smashers are highly impact resistant.
- Traps with high enough impact can stop them during their charge. Be careful that lower levels of impact will simply be ignored by the Smasher, so it is not worth using low leveled impact traps if their goal is to deter Smashers.
- Use floor frost traps and floor tar pits to stop a smasher's charge.
- Creating false structures may draw a Smasher to attack it instead of the objective. This is especially useful in Storm Shield Defense missions as built structures persist between missions.
- Use Hero abilities to block its charge
- The Constructor abilities Bull Rush, Decoy and Goin Constructor will stop the charge if used against the smasher while its charging
- The Outlander abilities TEDDY and Shock Tower will also stop the charge if placed in the Smasher's way.
- Freeze smashers:
- Sub Zero Zenith's Sniper critical hit perks freezes them if used with a high enough crit chance sniper, which then allows every one to focus their attacks and kill it at once without taking any damage
- The Ice Queen's ground pound perk ability will freeze them stop a smasher.
- The Ice King's B.A.S.E. perk ability will freeze them and stop a smasher.
- Enemies
- New sound effects
6.10 Patch Notes (October 16, 2018 )
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused players to get stuck when they hit a Smasher or Riot Husky with Bull Rush.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to get stuck when they hit a Smasher or Riot Husky with Bull Rush.
5.40 Patch Notes (September 6, 2018 )
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with Smasher sounds not triggering consistently.
- Fixed several issues with music such as music retriggering during Smasher intro, multiple tracks playing in the Lobby and music not playing in the Main Menus.
- Fixed issue with Smasher sounds not triggering consistently.
1.2 Patch Notes (July 20, 2017 )
- General
- Fixed an issue where the Smasher's movement would become broken if it was hit with the Constructor's Bull Rush ability