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Fortnite Wiki

Silenced Specter
Suppressed smg icon
Silenced Submachine Gun - Military. Rapid fire weapon that has minimal recoil and fast aim recovery, but with less accuracy or range than most assault weapons. Equipped with a suppressor that greatly reduces distance that enemies hear gunshots.
Rarity Epic
Class Submachine Guns
Weapon Type Military Weapons
Source Blockbuster Llama, Birthday Llama
Event Blockbuster 2018
Bullet Type Light bullets icon Light Bullets
12x Blast powder icon
24x Mechanical parts icon
3x Rotating gizmo icon
8x Ore icon

Silenced Specter
Suppressed smg icon
Silenced Submachine Gun - Military. Rapid fire weapon that has minimal recoil and fast aim recovery, but with less accuracy or range than most assault weapons. Equipped with a suppressor that greatly reduces distance that enemies hear gunshots.
Damage 18
Critical Hit Chance 10%
Critical Hit Damage +75%
Fire Rate 14.16
Magazine Size 30
Range 3584
Durability 280
Reload Time 2
Ammo Cost 1
Impact 48

Silenced Specter is an Epic Military Weapon in Save the World. It uses Light Bullets.

Other Versions[]


Silenced Specter is available as featured loot in Blockbuster Llamas purchased from the Vindertech Store during the Blockbuster event.

Trait Synergies[]

Silenced Specter (epic) works with and benefits from the following Hero Traits:

