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Fortnite Wiki

Season 5 of Battle Royale ran from July 12 to September 26, 2018. The "Worlds Collide" theme was unveiled on the final teaser. The theme for Season 5 is a mixture of real-world era crossover after the rifts spawned (from the previous Season) took out different objects from the island and summoned a few real life objects that were virtually converted to play a role in Battle Royale. The Durrr Burger actually appeared in real life in the California Desert, hence the, "Worlds Collide Theme."

It also features a new map desert biome, brand new named locations such as Lazy Links, Paradise Palms and other POIs (points of interests). A new type of 4-player vehicle was also released on the initial patch called the ATK. Toys feature that can be used in game to perform an action and interact with a golf ball, beach ball and basketball were also added as part of Battle Pass rewards.

Starting in Season 5, progressive challenges will no longer be restricted to a single season and can now be completed at personal pace. Season 5 was set to end on the 25th of September but was extended until the 27th. During the final weekend, 400% Bonus XP were activated to all players.


Starting July 9th, Epic Games release a daily series of teasers that hints about the upcoming theme of the season. "Worlds Collide" theme was been revealed on the final teaser pre-season.

Battle Pass[]

BattleBundle Season 5 Promotion
Main article: Battle Pass Season 5

The Battle Pass for Season 5 was available for purchase for V-bucks icon 950 V-Bucks. Free Pass players are given one daily challenge in Season 5. Battle Pass owners are given an additional daily challenge that can stack up to two, as well as special Weekly challenges. Upon purchase of Battle Pass, Tier 1 sets of rewards including Drift Outfit, Huntress Outfit, Battle Pass Challenges, Personal xp boost icon 50% Personal XP Boost and Combo xp boost icon 10% Combo XP Boost are instantly unlocked.


Toys Season 5 Promotion
Main article: Toys

Toys were added to Battle Royale and can be equipped through the locker emote slots. It can be used in-game to perform an action such as shooting a Basketball, tossing a Beach Ball and swinging the equipped pickaxe to hit a Golf Ball with the toy props being able to spawn in-game. Toys can be obtained as Battle Pass rewards and comes in Rare and Epic rarity.

Weapon and Item Releases

Season 5 introduced a lot of new items in Battle Royale ranging from weapons, limited-time elements, utilities and a new vehicle. Aside from new releases, an item was also reintroduced as Guided Missile returned in 5.10 Content Update from the vault.

Limited Time Modes[]

Brand new Limited Time Modes (LTM) were released in Season 5.


Various thematic sets including Cosmetic Skins, Harvesting Tools, Emotes and Gliders were also released on Season 5 as part of the item shop components on daily rotation basis and Battle Pass rewards. Loading Screens are granted from completing Battle Pass Challenges:

Icon Name Rarity Type Cost Release Date
Icon Name Rarity Type Cost Release Date
New Cloacked Star Cloaked Star Epic Outfit V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-09-23
Peekaboo (Creepy) Peekaboo Epic Outfit V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-09-22
T-Soldier-HID-221-Athena-Commando-M-Clown-L Nite Nite Epic Outfit V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-09-22
BattleBalloonBackBling Battle Balloon Epic Back Bling V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-09-22
BalloonLlamaBackBling Balloon Llama Epic Back Bling V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-09-22
BattleCallEmote Battle Call Uncommon Emote V-bucks icon 200 V-Bucks 2018-09-22
New Grill Sergeant Grill Sergeant Uncommon Outfit V-bucks icon 800 V-Bucks 2018-09-21
ValkyrieWingsBackBling Valkyrie Wings Legendary Back Bling V-bucks icon 2000 V-Bucks 2018-09-20
New Valkyrie Valkyrie Legendary Outfit V-bucks icon 2000 V-Bucks 2018-09-20
RiftRaiders-L Rift Raiders Uncommon Banner 2018-09-20
LuckyLlamas-L Lucky Llamas Uncommon Banner 2018-09-20
FortKnights-L Fort Knights Uncommon Banner 2018-09-20
DustyDogs-L Dusty Dogs Uncommon Banner 2018-09-20
BushBandits-L Bush Bandits Uncommon Banner 2018-09-20
FrostwingGlider Frostwing Legendary Glider V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-09-19
MyIdolEmote My Idol! Uncommon Emote V-bucks icon 200 V-Bucks 2018-09-17
HitchhikerEmote Hitchhiker Rare Emote V-bucks icon 500 V-Bucks 2018-09-17
New Synth Star Synth Star Epic Outfit V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-09-15
NEw Stage Slayer Stage Slayer Epic Outfit V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-09-15
HotRideGlider Hot Ride Legendary Glider V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-09-15
VivaciousEmote Vivacious Epic Emote V-bucks icon 800 V-Bucks 2018-09-15
LeadSwingerHarvestingTool Lead Swinger Uncommon Harvesting Tool V-bucks icon 500 V-Bucks 2018-09-15
KeytarBackBling Keytar Epic Back Bling V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-09-15
KickDrumBackBling Kick Drum Epic Back Bling V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-09-15
New Hacivat Hacivat Epic Outfit V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-09-13
TreeSplitterHarvestingTool Tree Splitter Uncommon Harvesting Tool V-bucks icon 500 V-Bucks 2018-09-13
CraftedCarrierBackBling Crafted Carrier Epic Back Bling V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-09-13
ShadowPuppetGlider Shadow Puppet Epic Glider V-bucks icon 1200 V-Bucks 2018-09-13
DarkReflections Dark Reflection Uncommon Loading Screen 2018-09-13
FlappyGlider Flappy Rare Glider 2018-09-11
Artifact Artifact Rare Contrail 2018-09-11
Playstation Plus Celobration Pack 3 Playstation Plus Celebration Pack 3 Rare Playstation Plus Celebration Pack 2018-09-11
Controller Controller Epic Harvesting tool 2018-09-11
New Garrison Garrison Uncommon Outfit V-bucks icon 800 V-Bucks 2018-09-08
CashFlowContrail Cash Flow Rare Contrail 2018-09-08
SuitedUpSprayPreview Suited Up Uncommon Spray 2018-09-08
CrowbarHarvestingTool Crowbar Rare Harvesting Tool 2018-09-08
New Triage Trooper Triage Trooper Epic Outfit V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-09-07
New Field Surgeon Field Surgeon Epic Outfit V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-09-07
AirliftGlider Airlift Epic Glider V-bucks icon 1200 V-Bucks 2018-09-07
FlatlinerHarvestingTool Flatliner Rare Harvesting Tool V-bucks icon 800 V-Bucks 2018-09-07
GurneyGearBackBling Gurney Gear Epic Back Bling V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-09-07
CarePackageBackBling Care Package Epic Back Bling V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-09-07
FistPumpEmote Fist Pump Uncommon Emote V-bucks icon 200 V-Bucks 2018-09-07
New Wild Card Wild Card Legendary Outfit V-bucks icon 2000 V-Bucks 2018-09-06
CuffCaseBackBling Cuff Case Legendary Back Bling V-bucks icon 2000 V-Bucks 2018-09-06
Season5CubeLoadingScreen Six Sided Mystery Uncommon Loading Screen 2018-09-06
SafecrackerGlider Safecracker Rare Glider V-bucks icon 800 V-Bucks 2018-09-06
S5GlyphBanner Glyph Uncommon Banner 2018-09-06
JobWellDoneEmote Job Well Done Uncommon Emote V-bucks icon 200 V-Bucks 2018-09-03
FancyFeetEmote Fancy Feet Rare Emote V-bucks icon 500 V-Bucks 2018-09-03
New Dreamflower Dreamflower Epic Outfit V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-09-02
DrumbeatHarvestingTool Drumbeat Uncommon Harvesting Tool V-bucks icon 500 V-Bucks 2018-09-02
TieDyeFlyerGlider Tie-dye Flyer Rare Glider V-bucks icon 800 V-Bucks 2018-09-02
HipShakersBackBling Hip Shakers Epic Back Bling V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-09-02
SummerStrummerBackBling Summer Strummer Epic Back Bling V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-09-02
New Far Out Man Far Out Man Epic Outfit V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-09-01
ShakeItUpEmote Shake It Up Epic Emote V-bucks icon 800 V-Bucks 2018-09-01
Blaze Blaze Uncommon Glider V-bucks icon 500 V-Bucks 2018-08-31
RoadReadyBackBling Road Ready Rare Back Bling V-bucks icon 1200 V-Bucks 2018-08-31
ThrottleHarvestingTool Throttle Rare Harvesting Tool V-bucks icon 800 V-Bucks 2018-08-31
RoadFlairBackBling Road Flair Rare Back Bling V-bucks icon 1200 V-Bucks 2018-08-31
New Chopper Chopper Rare Outfit V-bucks icon 1200 V-Bucks 2018-08-30
New Backbone Backbone Rare Outfit V-bucks icon 1200 V-Bucks 2018-08-30
TomatoTrek Tomato Trek Uncommon Loading Screen 2018-08-30
DanceTherapyEmote Dance Therapy Epic Emote V-bucks icon 800 V-Bucks 2018-08-30
S5TomatoBanner Tomatohead Uncommon Banner 2018-08-30
BuckledBackBling Buckled Uncommon Back Bling V-bucks icon 800 V-Bucks 2018-08-29
BackpackBundle Buckled Bundle Uncommon Bundle V-bucks icon 800 V-Bucks 2018-08-29
VintageBackBling Vintage Uncommon Back Bling V-bucks icon 800 V-Bucks 2018-08-28
SlashedBackBling Slashed Uncommon Back Bling V-bucks icon 800 V-Bucks 2018-08-28
New Scorpion Scorpion Uncommon Outfit V-bucks icon 800 V-Bucks 2018-08-27
IntensityEmote Intensity Epic Emote V-bucks icon 800 V-Bucks 2018-08-27
New Armadillo Armadillo Uncommon Outfit V-bucks icon 800 V-Bucks 2018-08-27
NEw The Ace The Ace Epic Outfit 2018-08-27
The Ace Starter Pack The Ace Starter Pack Epic Starter Pack 2018-08-27
SwagBagBackBling Swag Bag Epic Back Bling 2018-08-27
IronBeakHarvestingTool Iron Beak Rare Harvesting Tool V-bucks icon 800 V-Bucks 2018-08-26
DarkWingsBackBling Dark Wings Legendary Back Bling V-bucks icon 2000 V-Bucks 2018-08-26
DarkFeathersContrail Dark Feathers Rare Contrail V-bucks icon 2000 V-Bucks 2018-08-26
New Ravage Ravage Legendary Outfit V-bucks icon 2000 V-Bucks 2018-08-25
CapoeiraEmote Capoeira Rare Emote V-bucks icon 500 V-Bucks 2018-08-25
CatsClawHarvestingTool Cat's Claw Rare Harvesting Tool V-bucks icon 800 V-Bucks 2018-08-24
PurrfectGlider Purrfect Uncommon Glider V-bucks icon 500 V-Bucks 2018-08-24
ShiroBackBling Shiro Legendary Back Bling V-bucks icon 2000 V-Bucks 2018-08-24
SashimonoBackBling Sashimono Legendary Back Bling V-bucks icon 2000 V-Bucks 2018-08-24
PraiseTheTomatoEmote Praise The Tomato Rare Emote V-bucks icon 500 V-Bucks 2018-08-24
BoogieDownEmote Boogie Down Epic Emote 2018-08-23
T UI ChallengeTile Tomatohead Tomatohead Challenges Legendary Set of Challenges V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-08-23
New Musha Musha Legendary Outfit V-bucks icon 2000 V-Bucks 2018-08-23
New Hime Hime Legendary Outfit V-bucks icon 2000 V-Bucks 2018-08-23
New Enforcer Enforcer Legendary Outfit 2018-08-23
SingingIn Signing Back In Uncommon Loading Screen 2018-08-23
SubjugatorBackBling Subjugator Legendary Back Bling 2018-08-23
DistinguishedSpray Distinguished Uncommon Spray 2018-08-21
LlamaBellEmote Llama Bell Epic Emote V-bucks icon 800 V-Bucks 2018-08-20
FiletAxeHarvestingTool Filet Axe Rare Harvesting Tool V-bucks icon 800 V-Bucks 2018-08-19
FlyingFishGlider Flying Fish Uncommon Glider V-bucks icon 500 V-Bucks 2018-08-19
ChefsChoiceBackBling Chef's Choice Rare Back Bling V-bucks icon 1200 V-Bucks 2018-08-19
BambooBackBling Bamboo Legendary Back Bling V-bucks icon 2000 V-Bucks 2018-08-19
New Sushi Master Sushi Master Rare Outfit V-bucks icon 1200 V-Bucks 2018-08-18
New Panda Team Leader P.A.N.D.A Team Leader Legendary Outfit V-bucks icon 2000 V-Bucks 2018-08-18
HotStuffEmote Hot Stuff Uncommon Emote V-bucks icon 200 V-Bucks 2018-08-18
HandSignalsEmote Hand Signals Rare Emote V-bucks icon 500 V-Bucks 2018-08-18
IgnitionBackBling Ignition Epic Back Bling V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-08-17
CycloneGlider Cyclone Epic Glider V-bucks icon 1200 V-Bucks 2018-08-17
WhiteSquallGlider White Squall Epic Glider V-bucks icon 1200 V-Bucks 2018-08-17
LaneSplitterBackBling Lane Splitter Epic Back Bling V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-08-17
NEw Whiteout Whiteout Epic Outfit V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-08-16
New Overtaker Overtaker Epic Outfit V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-08-16
OpeningNight Opening Night Uncommon Loading Screen 2018-08-16
WorkItOutEmote Work It Out Rare Emote V-bucks icon 500 V-Bucks 2018-08-13
JinguBangHarvestingTool Jingu Bang Epic Harvesting Tool V-bucks icon 1200 V-Bucks 2018-08-13
BoomboxBackBling Boombox Epic Back Bling V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-08-12
BackPlateBackBling Back Plate Epic Back Bling V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-08-12
AxerciseHarvestingTool Axercise Uncommon Harvesting Tool V-bucks icon 500 V-Bucks 2018-08-12
WindbreakerGlider Windbreaker Uncommon Glider V-bucks icon 500 V-Bucks 2018-08-12
New Mullet Marauder Mullet Marauder Epic Outfit V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-08-11
New Areobic Assasin Aerobic Assassin Epic Outfit V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-08-11
LivingLargeEmote Living Large Rare Emote V-bucks icon 500 V-Bucks 2018-08-11
GoGoGoEmote Go! Go! Go! Uncommon Emote V-bucks icon 200 V-Bucks 2018-08-11
New Galaxy Galaxy Epic Outfit 2018-08-10
Patty whacker icon Patty Whacker Uncommon Harvesting Tool V-bucks icon 500 V-Bucks 2018-08-10
FlyingSaucer Flying Saucer Epic Glider V-bucks icon 1200 V-Bucks 2018-08-10
DeepFried Deep Fried Epic Back Bling V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-08-10
New Beef Boss Beef Boss Epic Outfit V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-08-09
BlastFromThePast Blast From The Past Uncommon Loading Screen 2018-08-09
PumpernickelEmote Pumpernickel Rare Emote V-bucks icon 500 V-Bucks 2018-08-08
CaliperHarvestingTool Caliper Uncommon Harvesting Tool V-bucks icon 500 V-Bucks 2018-08-05
ParadigmBackBling Paradigm Epic Back Bling V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-08-05
ServoGlider Servo Epic Glider V-bucks icon 1200 V-Bucks 2018-08-05
New Archetype Archetype Epic Outfit V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-08-04
BatAttitudeBackBling Bat Attitude Epic Back Bling V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-08-04
ClutchAxeHarvestingTool Clutch Axe Rare Harvesting Tool V-bucks icon 800 V-Bucks 2018-08-03
BallisticBackBling Ballistic Epic Back Bling V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-08-03
NEW Shade Shade Epic Outfit V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-08-02
Maverick Maverick Epic Outfit V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-08-02
Poolside Paradise Poolside Paradise Uncommon Loading Screen 2018-08-02
RescuePaddleHarvestingTool Rescue Paddle Rare Harvesting Tool V-bucks icon 800 V-Bucks 2018-07-29
RescueRingBackBling Rescue Ring Epic Back Bling V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-07-29
NEw Sun Tan Specialist Sun Tan Specialist Epic Outfit V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-07-28
FingerWagEmote Finger Wag Uncommon Emote V-bucks icon 200 V-Bucks 2018-07-28
HarpoonAxeHarvestingTool Harpoon Axe Rare Harvesting Tool V-bucks icon 800 V-Bucks 2018-07-27
DivingTankBackBling Diving Tank Epic Back Bling V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-07-27
LaserChompGlider Laser Chomp Legendary Glider V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-07-27
AirTankBackBling Air Tank Epic Back Bling V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-07-27
New Wreck Raider Wreck Raider Epic Outfit V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-07-26
New Reef Ranger Reef Ranger Epic Outfit V-bucks icon 1500 V-Bucks 2018-07-26
TrackRecord Track Record Uncommon Loading Screen 2018-07-26
New Rose Team Leader Rose Team Leader Legendary Outfit 2018-07-24
New Warpaint Warpaint Legendary Outfit 2018-07-24
SkirmishBackBling Skirmish Legendary Back Bling 2018-07-24
EmbersContrail Embers Rare Contrail 2018-07-24
FortniteBirthdayEmoticon Fortnite Birthday! Uncommon Emoticon 2018-07-24
HappyBirthdaySprayPreview Happy Birthday Uncommon Spray 2018-07-24
PointerHarvestingTool Pointer Rare Harvesting Tool 2018-07-24
PowerGripHarvestingTool Power Grip Rare Harvesting Tool 2018-07-24
BirthdayCakeBackBling Birthday Cake Rare Back Bling 2018-07-24
PursuitBackBling Pursuit Legendary Back Bling 2018-07-24
OnTheHookEmote On the Hook Rare Emote V-bucks icon 500 V-Bucks 2018-07-23
SharkFinBackBling Shark Fin Legendary Back Bling V-bucks icon 2000 V-Bucks 2018-07-22
New Chomp Sr. Chomp Sr. Legendary Outfit V-bucks icon 2000 V-Bucks 2018-07-21
FlippinIncredibleEmote Flippin' Incredible Rare Emote V-bucks icon 500 V-Bucks 2018-07-21
LibreGlider Libre Rare Glider V-bucks icon 800 V-Bucks 2018-07-20
PiledriverHarvestingTool Piledriver Rare Harvesting Tool V-bucks icon 800 V-Bucks 2018-07-20
New Masked Fury Masked Fury Rare Outfit V-bucks icon 1200 V-Bucks 2018-07-19
New Dynamo Dynamo Rare Outfit V-bucks icon 1200 V-Bucks 2018-07-19
Fairway Fun Fairway Fun Uncommon Loading Screen 2018-07-19
HulaEmote Hula Epic Emote V-bucks icon 800 V-Bucks 2018-07-16
EnduringCapeBackBling Enduring Cape Legendary Back Bling V-bucks icon 2000 V-Bucks 2018-07-15
ForebearerHarvestingTool Forebearer Rare Harvesting Tool V-bucks icon 800 V-Bucks 2018-07-15
KabLlamaSprayPreview Kab-Llama Uncommon Spray 2018-07-15
TwistEmote Twist Rare Emote V-bucks icon 500 V-Bucks 2018-07-14
New Magnus Magnus Legendary Outfit V-bucks icon 2000 V-Bucks 2018-07-14
StuddedAxeHarvestingTool Studded Axe Rare Harvesting Tool V-bucks icon 800 V-Bucks 2018-07-13
RhinestoneRiderGlider Rhinestone Rider Uncommon Glider V-bucks icon 500 V-Bucks 2018-07-13
New Moniker Moniker Rare Outfit V-bucks icon 1200 V-Bucks 2018-07-12
New Fortune Fortune Rare Outfit V-bucks icon 1200 V-Bucks 2018-07-12
New Ragnarok Ragnarok Legendary Outfit 2018-07-12
New Drift Drift Legendary Outfit 2018-07-12
New Rook Rook Epic Outfit 2018-07-12
NEw Sledgehammer Sledgehammer Epic Outfit 2018-07-12
New Sun Strider Sun Strider Epic Outfit 2018-07-12
New Huntress Huntress Epic Outfit 2018-07-12
NEw Redline Redline Epic Outfit 2018-07-12
RoadTrip Road Trip! Uncommon Loading Screen 2018-07-12
DriftSprayPreview Drift Uncommon Spray 2018-07-12
S5VikingShipBanner Viking Ship Uncommon Banner 2018-07-12
S5TicTacToeBanner Tic-Tac-Toe Uncommon Banner 2018-07-12
S5SpiderBadassBanner Spider Badass Uncommon Banner 2018-07-12
S5ShoppingCartBanner Shopping Cart Uncommon Banner 2018-07-12
S5ScubaGearBanner Scuba Gear Uncommon Banner 2018-07-12
S5RacingCheckersBanner Racing Checkers Uncommon Banner 2018-07-12
S5PalmsBanner Palms Uncommon Banner 2018-07-12
S5KitsuneBanner Drift Uncommon Banner 2018-07-12
S5IceCreamTruckBanner Ice Cream Truck Uncommon Banner 2018-07-12
S5GolfBanner Golf Ball Uncommon Banner 2018-07-12
S5FlowyHatBanner Flowy Hat Uncommon Banner 2018-07-12
S5DolphinBanner Dolphin Uncommon Banner 2018-07-12
S5DinosaurBanner Dinosaur Uncommon Banner 2018-07-12
S5CobraBanner Cobra Uncommon Banner 2018-07-12
JailbirdsLoadingScreenPreview Jailbirds Uncommon Loading Screen 2018-07-12
ConquestGlider Conquest Epic Glider 2018-07-12
SplashdownGlider Splashdown Epic Glider 2018-07-12
CruiserGlider Cruiser Uncommon Glider 2018-07-12
DownshiftGlider Downshift Uncommon Glider 2018-07-12
T UI ChallengeTile Drift Drift Challenges Legendary Set of Challenges 2018-07-12
BeachUmbrellaGlider Beach Umbrella Common Umbrella 2018-07-12
RunicContrail Runic Rare Contrail 2018-07-12
LanternsContrail Lanterns Rare Contrail 2018-07-12
IceCrystalsContrail Ice Crystals Rare Contrail 2018-07-12
GlitchInTheSystemContrail Glitch In The System Rare Contrail 2018-07-12
TPContrail TP Rare Contrail 2018-07-12
CalculatedEmote Calculated Rare Emote 2018-07-12
BreakdownEmote Breakdown Epic Emote 2018-07-12
GentlemansDabEmote Gentleman's Dab Uncommon Emote 2018-07-12
SwipeItEmote Swipe It Rare Emote 2018-07-12
YoureAwesomeEmote You're Awesome Rare Emote 2018-07-12
AlarmEmoticon Alarm Uncommon Emoticon 2018-07-12
BadAppleEmoticon Bad Apple Uncommon Emoticon 2018-07-12
EmbarrassedEmoticon Embarrassed Uncommon Emoticon 2018-07-12
GoEmoticon Go Uncommon Emoticon 2018-07-12
PoolPartyEmoticon Pool Party Uncommon Emoticon 2018-07-12
PotofGoldEmoticon Pot of Gold Uncommon Emoticon 2018-07-12
Prickly Prickly Uncommon Emoticon 2018-07-12
LetsRockEmoticon Let's Rock Uncommon Emoticon 2018-07-12
StinkyEmoticon Stinky Uncommon Emoticon 2018-07-12
StopEmoticon Stop Uncommon Emoticon 2018-07-12
TastyEmoticon Tasty Uncommon Emoticon 2018-07-12
TatteredEmoticon Tattered Uncommon Emoticon 2018-07-12
TrapEmoticon Trap Uncommon Emoticon 2018-07-12
BoogieSprayPreview Boogie Uncommon Spray 2018-07-12
CrazyCastleSprayPreview Crazy Castle Uncommon Spray 2018-07-12
SkullAndBeardSprayPreview Skull & Beard Uncommon Spray 2018-07-12
DurrSprayPreview Durrr Uncommon Spray 2018-07-12
LaserChompSprayPreview Laser Chomp Uncommon Spray 2018-07-12
LuchaGGSprayPreview Lucha GG Uncommon Spray 2018-07-12
PixelsRoyaleSprayPreview Pixels Royale Uncommon Spray 2018-07-12
PotatoAimSprayPreview Potato Aim Uncommon Spray 2018-07-12
FakeDoorSprayPreview Fake Door Uncommon Spray 2018-07-12
GoodVibesSprayPreview Good Vibes Uncommon Spray 2018-07-12
NorseLlamaSprayPreview Norse Llama Uncommon Spray 2018-07-12
StrawberryPawsSprayPreview Strawberry Paws Uncommon Spray 2018-07-12
SushiSprayPreview Sushi Uncommon Spray 2018-07-12
YummySprayPreview Yummy Uncommon Spray 2018-07-12
FancyBeachBallToy Fancy Beach Ball Epic Toy 2018-07-12
FancyGolfBallToy Fancy Golf Ball Epic Toy 2018-07-12
FancyBasketballToy Fancy Basketball Epic Toy 2018-07-12
BeachBallToy Beach Ball Rare Toy 2018-07-12
GolfBallToy Golf Ball Rare Toy 2018-07-12
BasketballToy Basketball Rare Toy 2018-07-12
FrozenShroudBackBling Frozen Shroud Legendary Back Bling 2018-07-12
BandolierLoadingScreenPreview Bandolier Uncommon Loading Screen 2018-07-12
HighExplosivesLoadingScreenPreview High Explosives Uncommon Loading Screen 2018-07-12
HuntressLoadingScreenPreview Huntress Uncommon Loading Screen 2018-07-12
TomatoheadLoadingScreenPreview Tomatohead Uncommon Loading Screen 2018-07-12
RearguardBackBling Rearguard Epic Back Bling 2018-07-12
RiftEdgeHarvestingTool Rift Edge Epic Harvesting Tool 2018-07-12
PermafrostHarvestingTool Permafrost Epic Harvesting Tool 2018-07-12
RedKnightLoadingScreenPreview Red Knight Uncommon Loading Screen 2018-07-12
SunStriderLoadingScreenPreview Sun Strider Uncommon Loading Screen 2018-07-12
DriftLoadingScreenPreview Drift Uncommon Loading Screen 2018-07-12
BalloonAxeHarvestingTool Balloon Axe Rare Harvesting Tool 2018-07-12
OmenLoadingScreenPreview Omen Uncommon Loading Screen 2018-07-12
FlytrapLoadingScreenPreview Flytrap Uncommon Loading Screen 2018-07-12
PoolPartyBackBling Pool Party Epic Back Bling 2018-07-12
LugAxeHarvestingTool Lug Axe Rare Harvesting Tool 2018-07-12
NorseEmblemLoadingScreenPreview Norse Emblem Uncommon Loading Screen 2018-07-12
AbstraktLoadingScreenPreview Abstrakt Uncommon Loading Screen 2018-07-12
UplinkBackBling Uplink Epic Back Bling 2018-07-12

Map Changes[]


The Season 5 map

Map has been updated with a desert biome, new major locations such as Paradise Palms, Lazy Links and few unnamed POIs. New areas took place on the previous mysterious artifacts that spawned in Season 4. Rifts that are map objects that allow players to teleport in an adjacent aerial space while skydiving were scattered throughout the map.

Map v5.0 (July 12th)[]

  • Open Soccer Field POI at C2, north west of the map was removed.
  • NOMS' sign was found at north east of Risky Reels.
  • Durr Burger statue was found on the mountain at D3, east of Pleasant Park.
  • A goodbye sign was put out on Uncle Pete's Pizza Pit at Tomato Town Which later turned into Tomato Temple
  • Stone Head Statues have scattered throughout the maps; C2, C6, E7, E10, F5, G3 and I5.

Map v5.10 (July 24th)[]

  • Risky Reels' drive-in section has been lined up with cars. Flipped cars and destroyed houses' roofs were fixed.
  • A tombstone was added near Paradise Palms to pay homage to the "greatest rescue mission in Fortnite[1]".
  • Dance platforms and disco ball on the Loot Lake warehouse were removed.
  • A vehicle ramp was added between Loot Lake and Lazy Links.
  • Trucks have appeared between Salty Springs and Dusty Divot.
  • Clay Pigeons, Birthday Cakes and decorative balloons were added throughout the map.

Map v5.20 (August 7th)[]

  • The truck has moved to the western side of Dusty Divot.
  • The rift in the sky has shrunk a bit. Parts of it are less bright and one of the trails is barely visible.

Map v5.21 (August 15th)[]

  • The crack in the sky continues to shrink.
  • A rift reappeared on the former area of spinning tomato head at Tomato Town.
  • The rift disappeared bringing back the tomato head but has shrunken and turned into stone.

Map v5.30 (August 23rd)[]

  • The screen at Risky Reels has been fixed and now displays the winning entry of the Fortnite Blockbuster Contest, "Prepare For Collision". Posters of the movie can be found in the area and the marquee board displays the title of the movie.
  • The crack in the sky shrinks significantly, and turns into a dark shade of purple, causing lightning strikes[2].
  • The trucks have moved to the northwestern side of Dusty Divot.

Creation of the CUBE[3]

  • Construction of the new building in Tilted Towers has resumed.
  • The motel sign has reappeared, but seems damaged.

Daily Oddities

  • August 24th: Lightning strikes hit the H9, southeast part of the map destroying each cacti on a formation within an interval of time. Lightning are getting stronger and bigger over time.
  • The rift put out its final lightning strike, making that one its longest. when it stopped, a mysterious purple cube appeared and the rift shrunk one last time and finally disappeared. It displays runes and unknown symbols. It has also started to roll and moving on a single tile direction with the interval of 1 hour and 43, minutes per movement, sometimes shorter intervals.
  • August 26th: The CUBE made 11 tile movements from H8 going north then 3 tile movements going west G8.
  • August 27th: The CUBE made 7 tile movements from G8 going north reaching G7, 4 tile movements going back to G8 then 4 tile movements heading west.
  • August 28th: The CUBE made 10 tile movements from G8 going west reaching F8 and has stopped moving on an elevated ground. It has also been surrounded with a low-gravity magnetic dome that provides an effect similar to Hop Rocks and causing the bottom of the CUBE to glow.
  • August 29th: The CUBE has started to move again and made 8 tile movements from the elevated ground climbing to the hill. It also left a burning imprinted rune into the ground which became the center of the magnetic dome.
  • August 30th: The CUBE made 21 tile movements from the hill then going down and continues to move heading west reaching E8 going D8.
  • August 31st: The CUBE made 28 tile movements from D8 to C7 approaching Greasy Grove.
  • September 1st: The CUBE made 9 tile movements on C7 then stopped and was surrounded with low-gravity magnetic dome.
  • September 2nd: The CUBE has started to move again from C7 and made 17 tile movements, has started to head north passing C6 and ended up on D6. It also left the second burning imprinted rune into the ground which became the center of the magnetic dome.
  • September 3rd: The CUBE made 25 tile movements from D6 going north east to E6.
  • September 4th: The CUBE made 21 tile movements from E6 heading east reaching F6 then stopped and was surrounded with low-gravity magnetic dome.
  • September 5th: The CUBE has started to move again from F6 and made 9 tile movements on G6, outer rim of Dusty Divot. It also left the third imprinted rune into the ground which became the center of the magnetic dome.

Map v5.40 (September 6th)[]

  • The remains of Dusty Depot have been changed, one part is now a tiny museum telling the story of the Meteor that crashed down, destroying some of Dusty Depot and turned it into Dusty Divot.
    • The other factories were converted into a mini museum and a dining place called "Dusty Diner".
  • The building in Tilted Towers that the meteor destroyed is now fully constructed and is now an outdoor store with a thrift shop in the basement.

Daily Oddities

  • September 6th: The CUBE made movements from G6 going west and has reached H6.
  • September 7th: The CUBE made movements from H6 heading west reaching Retail Row then stopped and was surrounded with low-gravity magnetic dome.
  • September 8th: The CUBE has started to move again from H6 and made movements passing Retail Row and ended up on I6. It also left the fourth burning imprinted rune into the ground which became the center of the magnetic dome.
  • September 9th: The CUBE made movements from I6 going north and has reached I5.
  • September 10th: The CUBE made movements from I5 heading north west passing by I4 then stopped and was surrounded with low-gravity magnetic dome at H4 of Wailing Woods.
  • September 11th: The CUBE made movements from H4 going northwest and ended up on H3. It also left the fifth burning imprinted rune into the ground which became the center of the magnetic dome.
  • September 12th: The CUBE made movements from H3 going west and has reached G3.
  • September 13th: The CUBE made movements from G3 going back and forth within F3-F4. Stopped at F3 and was surrounded with low-gravity magnetic dome.
  • September 14th: The CUBE made movements from F3 going northwest and ended up on E3. It also left the sixth burning imprinted rune into the ground which became the center of the magnetic dome.
  • September 15th: The CUBE made movements from E3 and ended up on D3 near Pleasant Park.
  • September 16th: The CUBE made movements from D3 passing D4 then going southeast and has reached C4. Stopped at C4 and was surrounded with low-gravity magnetic dome.
  • September 17th: The CUBE made movements from C4 going south and has reached C5. It also left the seventh burning imprinted rune into the ground which became the center of the magnetic dome.
  • September 18th: The CUBE made movements from C5 going south.

Map v5.41 (September 18th)[]

  • September 18th: The CUBE made movements from C5 going west crossing D5 of Tilted Towers. The CUBE also destroyed the newly built store partially.
  • September 19th: The CUBE made movements from D5 going north to the dock near Loot Lake factories.
  • The CUBE has reached the waters of Loot Lake and sunk under it. Loot Lake turned into purple and became bouncy similar to the effect and the appearance of the CUBE. The middle island also started rumbling

The CUBE[]

Main article: CUBE

CUBE (also referred to as the Six-Sided Mystery), but more commonly referred to by the community, and officially referenced by Epic Games as Kevin is an unknown phenomenon in Season 5. It spawned on August 25th on the area where the continuous lightning strikes have taken place destroying the formation of each cactus at H9. Standing nearby the cube regenerates player's shield every 2 seconds and displays glowing runes on the border part of the screen.

The CUBE knocks back the player when touched or hit with a pickaxe, and strikes static shock when shot with a gun which causes 30 HP damage disregarding any shield points. Under certain circumstances, getting eliminated by the cube’s lightning bolts or large knockback impulses will show a message in the Kill Feed that says ‘(Player) got too close to [rapidly flashing glyph symbols]’. Any dynamic entity including players, shopping carts and ATKs can be knocked away by touch. The cube can also destroy a map object and can kill a player if blocked while it rolls. The cube does not block fall damage if landed upon despite its bouncing properties.

