Repair the Shelter is a Mission in Save the World and has the following key points.
- Find Missing Modules - Find the modules located in hidden bots around the world.
- Activate SEE-bots - Defend SEE-bot as it scans for hidden bots.
- Defend the Shelter - Prevent the enemies from destroying the Shelter.
Go to the Shelter![]
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Reaching the shelter
Use Console to run Diagnostics[]
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Reinforce the Shelter[]
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After storms have spawned
Locate 8 missing modules[]
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Locating a module
Finding 6th module
Finding all modules
Installing 8 modules[]
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Installed a module
Installing the remaining modules Installing 8th module
Activate SEE Bot[]
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SEE Bot spawn (first spawn)
Traveling to SEE Bot's location
SEE Bot spawn (second spawn)
SEE Bot unused
SEE Bot despawn
Successfully defended SEE Bot
SEE Bot finding modules
Kill all enemies[]
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Ray: Installation of parts will pause while the shelter is under attack.
Spawning of Husks
Successfully defended the shelter from Husks (with missing modules)
Defend the Shelter as it Powers Up![]
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Remaining: 60 seconds
Completing mission
- Combat Badge
- Building Badge
- Utility Badge
- Silver - mission must be completed in 3 days before extraction.
Power the Reactor[1]
- During the Alpha, this mission was named Power the Reactor. The procedure was almost identical but the appearance and names were different.
- Patch 1.10 updated the appearance of the hidden "modules", from floating diamonds to sleeping Construction bots [2]
Patch 5.20 (August 7, 2018)
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where SEE-bot could not properly activate in Repair the Shelter missions.
- Bug Fixes
- Chrome Husky won’t appear multiple times in the first Repair the Shelter tutorial mission.
- Players now must complete the final 4 minute encounter to get credit for the “Repair the Shelter” mission.
- Repair the Shelter raid
- In order to reduce the length of the raid fights, they are no longer timed fights.
- Players are now required to eliminate a set number of enemies for each raid.
- The final encounter is still time-based.
- The number of enemies will increase by 10 enemies each of the first 3 raids and then remain at 3rd raid values.
- ‘Repair the Shelter’ objective now activates when you interact with the control panel rather than be based on proximity to the objective.
- ‘Repair the Shelter’ adjustments:
- See-Bot will no longer be attacked on arrival.
- See-Bot will now arrive with a 5 minute counter. After 5 minutes it will leave to recharge and then return later to a different location on the map.
- The Husk attack now begins when a player deploys the See-Bot. See-Bot is safe before then.
- Players have 5 minutes to start the scan and then defend See-Bot.
- Husk attack difficulty has been reduced for first two attacks.
- Shelter will now automatically start diagnostic scan when player reaches the shelter instead of having to interact with it.
- Decreasing the difficulty of the mission and initial combat encounter allowed us to double down on the mission core: scrambling to rescue a sieged shelter and creating a time pressure. -Developer Comment
- With the automatic diagnostic scan the length of time until first raid occurs has been increased to 8:30 minutes after diagnostics are complete to allow more time to prepare, used to be 6:30 minutes.
- See-Bot will no longer be attacked on arrival.
- Gameplay
- Group Missions
- Group Missions now include Fight the Storm Category 1,2,3, & 4, Retrieve the Data, Ride the Lightning, Evacuate the Shelter, Repair the Shelter, and Deliver the Bomb mission types.