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Fortnite Wiki
Phantasmic Pulse
Channeling energy from a far-off star.
Rarity Epic
Type Harvesting Tool
Source Item Shop, Hero Gear Bundle
Cost 1,200 V-bucks icon V-Bucks
Set Boundless
Release Date
Sep 10, 2020
The in-game store updates at 00:00 UTC daily, which means that the eastern and western halves of the world are on different dates when the shop updates. This UTC- date applies to North and South America and French Polynesia.

Date incorrect? Please edit this page. For more info see Help:Dates.
Sep 11, 2020
The in-game store updates at 00:00 UTC daily, which means that the eastern and western halves of the world are on different dates when the shop updates. This UTC+ date applies to Europe, Africa, Asia, and Oceania/Australia.

Date incorrect? Please edit this page. For more info see Help:Dates.
Item ID

Phantasmic Pulse is an Epic Harvesting Tool with T-Icon-Variant-64 in Battle Royale that can be purchased from the Item Shop. Phantasmic Pulse can also be obtained by purchasing Hero Gear Bundle.

Selectable Styles[]


Cosmic Edge
Valiant Fire
Hero's Aura

Primary Color[]

Primary Color
WhiteEditStyle GrayEditStyle DarkGrayEditStyle DarkerGrayEditStyle RedEditStyle
OrangeEditStyle DarkYellowEditStyle YellowEditStyle LightYellowEditStyle LimeEditStyle
GreenEditStyle CyanEditStyle DarkCyanEditStyle TurquoiseEditStyle LightBlueEditStyle
BlueEditStyle DarkBlueEditStyle PurpleEditStyle MagentaEditStyle DarkPinkEditStyle
PinkEditStyle BrownEditStyle MaroonEditStyle DarkerBlueEditStyle DarkTurquoiseEditStyle

Secondary Color[]

Secondary Color
WhiteEditStyle GrayEditStyle DarkGrayEditStyle DarkerGrayEditStyle RedEditStyle
OrangeEditStyle DarkYellowEditStyle YellowEditStyle LightYellowEditStyle LimeEditStyle
GreenEditStyle CyanEditStyle DarkCyanEditStyle TurquoiseEditStyle LightBlueEditStyle
BlueEditStyle DarkBlueEditStyle PurpleEditStyle MagentaEditStyle DarkPinkEditStyle
PinkEditStyle BrownEditStyle MaroonEditStyle DarkerBlueEditStyle DarkTurquoiseEditStyle

Last Appeared[]

Last Appeared 7 Days Ago.

Item Shop Occurrences[]

