Yesterdays News: News/25th October 2020
Tomorrow's News: News/27th October 2020
The following News images appeared in the News section of Battle Royale on the 26th October 2020. Due to news changing throughout the day, this is the main news items of the day.
New Unique Performance[]
J Balvin Afterlife Party[]
Lift your spirit at the Afterlife Party, a special performance for Fortnitemares 2020! Watch J Balvin bring Latin culture and reggaeton to the Main Stage on Saturday, October 31st at 9 PM ET.
Peely Bone[]
Peely Bone[]
Play bone chilling music straight from the soul and scare away banana eating beings.
Fortnitemares Challenges[]
Don't let the tomb hold you back from haunting the living. Complete Challenges in this life, or the next, and earn these rewards during Fortnitemares.