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Fortnite Wiki
Fortnite Wiki
Disambig This article is about the Save the World weapon. For the Battle Royale version, see Light Machine Gun (Battle Royale).

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Light Machine Guns have insane damage and fast fire rate and use Medium Ammo. However, they are very inaccurate unless aimed down on a fixed location. They can be crafted or found in Loot Chests. Light Machine Guns can also be bought from the Vindertech Store in Basic or Daily Llamas that contain ranged weaponry. The weapons are the most standard weapon found in the game. These weapons work with most of the Soldier traits and minimal Constructor and Outlander traits.


Assault Weapon: Light Machine Gun. A heavy weapon with high damage, an extreme rate of fire, and a huge magazine size. Very inaccurate unless aiming down sights from a fixed position, and firing in short bursts.

Rare Epic Legendary

Light machine gun icon
Rarity Rare
Class Assault Rifles
Weapon Type LMG Rifles
Bullet Type Medium bullets icon Medium Bullets
10x Blast powder icon
18x Mechanical parts icon
1x Rotating gizmo icon
5x Ore icon

Light machine gun icon
Damage 20
Critical Hit Chance 5%
Critical Hit Damage +50%
Fire Rate 12
Magazine Size 100
Range 4096
Headshot Multiplier +25%
Durability 190
Reload Time 4
Ammo Cost 1
Impact 46

Bullet swarm icon
Rarity Epic
Class Assault Rifles
Weapon Type LMG Rifles
Bullet Type Medium bullets icon Medium Bullets
12x Blast powder icon
24x Mechanical parts icon
3x Rotating gizmo icon
8x Ore icon

Bullet swarm icon
Damage 22
Critical Hit Chance 5%
Critical Hit Damage +50%
Fire Rate 12
Magazine Size 100
Range 4096
Headshot Multiplier +25%
Durability 280
Reload Time 4
Ammo Cost 1
Impact 51

Terminator icon
Rarity Legendary
Class Assault Rifles
Weapon Type LMG Rifles
Bullet Type Medium bullets icon Medium Bullets
15x Blast powder icon
30x Mechanical parts icon
1x Active powercell icon
11x Ore icon

Terminator icon
Damage 24
Critical Hit Chance 10%
Critical Hit Damage +50%
Fire Rate 12
Magazine Size 100
Range 4096
Headshot Multiplier +25%
Durability 375
Reload Time 4
Ammo Cost 1
Impact 68


  • The Rare variant was named LMG
  • The Epic variant was named Bullet Swarm
  • The LMG Rifles appear to be based off of the M60

Weapons Traits[]

Class Icon Name Description
Soldier Ammo recovery icon Ammo Recovery Damaging an enemy with an assault weapon has a 16% chance to generate 1 ammo for the equipped weapon.
Ammo recovery icon Ammo Recovery I Damaging an enemy with an assault weapon has a 16% chance to generate 1 ammo for the equipped weapon.
Debilitating shots icon Debilitating Shots Dealing ranged damage applies one stack of Vulnerability, increasing damage taken from all sources by 5% on the target for 15 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times.
Advanced tactics icon Advanced Tactics Ranged weapon damage increased by 10%. Health increased by 10%.
I love to reload! icon I Love to Reload! Reloading the equipped weapon increases run speed by 30% for 3 seconds.
Quick clip icon Quick Clip Increases reload speed by 15%/23%/30%.
Steady aim icon Steady Aim Reduces recoil by 29%.
There are many like it... icon There Are Many Like It... Your weapon takes 45% less durability damage while affected by War Cry.
Improved headshots icon Improved Headshots Increases headshot damage multipler of ranged weapons by 13%/20%/27%.
Outlander Precision handling icon Precision Handling Hitting a headshot increases the speed of your next reload by 7%. Max 35%. Resets after reloading.