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Fortnite Wiki

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Jack-o-launcher icon
Explosive Weapon: Fires explosive pumpkins that damage and knockback groups of enemies in a moderate radius. Does not consume ammo, but has low durability.
Rarity Legendary
Class Explosive Weapons
Weapon Type Fortnightmares Weapons
Source Collection Book
Event Fortnitemares 2017, Fortnitemares 2018
Bullet Type Rockets icon Rockets
15x Blast powder icon
12x Mechanical parts icon
3x Ore icon

Jack-o-launcher icon
Explosive Weapon: Fires explosive pumpkins that damage and knockback groups of enemies in a moderate radius. Does not consume ammo, but has low durability.
Damage 375
Critical Hit Chance 5%
Critical Hit Damage +50%
Fire Rate 0.75
Magazine Size 1
Range 512
Durability 20
Reload Time 2.2
Ammo Cost 1
Impact 2250

The Jack-O-Launcher is a Rocket Launcher in Save the World. It could be obtained through slotting 3 Legendary Costume Party 'Attendees' Survivors in the Collection Book.

Trait Synergies[]

Jack O-Launcher works with and benefits from the following Hero Traits:

Icon Name Class Description
Debilitating shots icon Debilitating Shots Soldier Dealing ranged damage applies one stack of Vulnerability, increasing damage taken from all sources by 5% on the target for 15 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times.
File:File:Advanced tactics icon.png Advanced Tactics Soldier Ranged weapon damage increased by 10%. Health increased by 10%.
File:File:Enduring machine icon.png Enduring Machine Constructor
File:File:Explosive rounds icon.png Explosive Rounds Soldier
File:File:Eye on the prize icon.png Eye on the Prize Outlander
File:File:Faster explosions icon.png Faster Explosions Constructor
File:File:Fragment generation icon.png Fragment Generation Outlander
File:File:Grenade generation icon.png Grenade Generation Soldier
File:File:In a pinch icon.png In a Pinch Soldier
File:File:Start up icon.png Start Up Soldier
File:File:Survivalist icon.png Survivalist Soldier
File:File:Waste not want not icon.png Waste Not Want Not Soldier
I love to reload! icon I Love to Reload! Soldier Reloading the equipped weapon increases run speed by 30% for 3 seconds.
Improved headshots icon Improved Headshots Soldier Increases headshot damage multipler of ranged weapons by 13%/20%/27%.
Quick clip icon Quick Clip Soldier Increases reload speed by 30%.
Steady aim icon Steady Aim Soldier Reduces recoil by 29%.
There are many like it... icon There Are Many Like It... Soldier Your weapon takes 45% less durability damage while affected by War Cry.



  • The Jack-O-Launcher is similar to the Bazooka.