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Hover turret icon

Hover Turret is a Gadget in Save the World. It is unlocked in Skill Tree: Tier 2 for 2 Skill points iconSkill Points.


Cost: 1 Ammo: Bot Turret. Ammo Regen Time: 150 seconds. Deploys a stationary hover turret that fires 6 rounds per second at enemies within 4 tile range. Turret lasts for 20 seconds.


Skill Tree Tier 2[]

Hover Turret Upgrade: Range (2Skill points icon)
Improves the range of the Hover Turret.
Upgrade Hover Turret: Increases Hover Turret range by 4 tiles.

Skill Tree Tier 3[]

Hover Turret Upgrade: Duration (3Skill points icon)
Improves the Hover Turret's duration.
Upgrade Hover Turret: Increases how long the Hover Turret stays active by 10 seconds.
Hover Turret Upgrade: Extra Turret (3Skill points icon)
Number of charges that can be held for a given ability.
Upgrade Hover Turret: Ability Charges +1.

Skill Tree Tier 4[]

Hover Turret Upgrade: Explosives (4Skill points icon)
The Hover Turret now explodes upon death.
Upgrade Hover Turret: Hover turret now explodes on death, doing a base 114 damage.
Hover Turret Upgrade: Fire Rate (4Skill points icon)
Increases the Hover Turret's rate of fire.
Upgrade Hover Turret: Increase the Hover Turret fire rate to 10 rounds per second.


Patch 4.0 (May 1, 2018)
  • New default behavior
    • Recharge time reduced from 240 seconds to 150 seconds.
    • Default duration reduced to 20 seconds.
    • No longer fires projectiles - now shoots hitscan shots.
    • Increased default ‘Rate of Fire’ from 1.33 shots per second to 6 shots per second.
    • Base damage reduced from 20 to 15.
  • Upgrades have been adjusted:
    • Duration increase remains +10 seconds, which makes the final duration 30 seconds.
    • We corrected an issue with the range upgrade which was preventing it from working properly. The default range is still 4 tiles, but is increased to 8 with this upgrade.
    • The ‘Rate of Fire’ Upgrade now increases the rate of fire to 10 shots per second.