Eliminating enemies standing on structures affected by B.A.S.E. charges B.A.S.E. After 30 charges B.A.S.E. emits an explosion which knocks back enemies and deals 39 base Energy Damage in a 3 tile Radius.
Commander Perk
Replaces the Standard Perk if this hero is slotted as the commander.
Eliminating enemies standing on structures affected by B.A.S.E. charges B.A.S.E. After 30 charges B.A.S.E. emits an explosion which knocks back enemies and deals 89 base Energy Damage in a 5 tile Radius.
Melee knockbacks and staggers trigger Kinetic Overload, dealing 25 base Energy Damage to nearby enemies. After melee critical hits, increases Melee Impact Damage by 10% for 5 seconds up to 5 stacks.
The Constructor charges forward 3 tiles, collecting enemies on a shield, knocking them back at the end of the rush or when colliding with a wall. Does a base of 156 blunt physical damage.
Deploy a mountable turret which deals 69 physical damage per shot and fires 7 shots per second. R.O.S.I.E. has 150 ammo.
Heavy B.A.S.E. Kyle
Heavy B.A.S.E. Kyle
Heavy B.A.S.E. Kyle
Heavy B.A.S.E. Kyle was available from Into the Storm Llamas purchased from the Vindertech Store during the Into the Storm event. Heavy B.A.S.E. Kyle was also available as a quest reward for completing the "Reunion Tour" event quest (Legendary).