The inverted pyramid is the unofficial twine peaks strategy, it combines 360° protection, Knock-back and Damaging traps.
It's heavily advised to use Heavy Base Kyle or Machinist Harper to increase the effectiveness of this setting.
Version 1[]
- Full Wall
- Inverted stair
- Floor Launcher
The husk will attack the inverted stair, the floor launcher will push it back. It's useful because wall and stair form a protection that will resist smashers and tough husks.
Version 2[]
- Floor Launcher
- Any ceiling trap
The knocked back husk will receive damage, before coming back and being knocked back again.
Version 3[]
- Floor Launcher
- Ceiling Zapper
- Wall dynamo
- Floor spikes (Flame Grill Floor Trap with nature husks)
- Wall darts (optional)
The knocked back hust will receive extra damage thanks to multiple traps.