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A Charge Fragment orb

A Llama Fragment orb
Fragments are collectible charges that are used as ammo for Outlander abilities. They are scattered randomly around the map and appear as silver orbs with a purple or blue screen on one side. The color of the screen determines the type of fragment granted by the orb. They are marked on the Map with a small diamond of the same color as the orb's screen. They can be found both inside buildings and out in the open.
When approached by an Outlander, they will expand and the screen will rotate to face the Outlander. They only become marked on the map when an Outlander passes near them or another hero activates them. Only Outlanders can collect fragments from the orbs, but other classes may activate the orb by holding the "interact" key (E on PC, square on PS4, X on Xbox). Activating the orb grants increased movement speed for a short time and reveals it on the map for all other players on the team.
The Outlander subclass Reclaimer also generates Charge fragments during combat by killing husks.
- Charge Fragment
- These fragments have light blue screens and appear as small blue diamonds on the map. They are generally the most commonly found fragment, and there is usually at least one located near a mission's objective. They are used for Outlanders' combat charge abilities, TEDDY (trait) and Shock Tower (trait).
- Llama Fragment
- These fragments have purple screens and appear as small purple diamonds on the map. They are generally less common than Charge fragments. They are only used for Loot Llama (trait).
Holding Capacity[]
As of patch 1.11, all Outlanders start with the ability to hold one charge fragment and one llama fragment, and unlocking abilities that use charge fragments increases the maximum capacity for charge fragments by one per ability. In other words, Outlanders with one charge ability can hold a maximum of two charge fragments and one llama fragment, and Outlanders with two charge abilities can hold three charge fragments and one llama fragment.
Additionally, Impossibility Matrix (trait) further increases the maximum number of charge fragments that can be held. This allows Trailblaster and Trailblazer, who both have Impossibility Matrix and two charge abilities, to hold a maximum of four charge fragments and one llama fragment.