The Driftboard is a ground vehicle in Battle Royale. It is a armored hoverboard that only one person can mount at a time. It has the ability to jump and boost for extra mobility, as well as quick travel and the abiltiy to make sharp turns. It is much quicker than walking and is a bit faster than the Shopping Cart and ATK, making it one of the fastest transportation methods. Players can use their weapons and consumables while riding the vehicle, but building is disabled. If a player aims their weapon while the board is moving, it will slow down similar to how the player slows down when walking or running. The Driftboard is the first vehicle to appear for a limited time, only appearing on red supply drops in the Driftin' LTM, scattered across the map (in Solos, Duos, and Squads), or permanently accessible through the Creative devices menu. It was later made permanently accessible in every game mode. The Driftboard was originally slated for the 7.10 update but was delayed to the 7.40 update so Epic Games could make some quality of life improvments.