Fortnite Wiki

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Fortnite Wiki
Fortnite Wiki

Destroy the Encampments is a mission in which players must locate 5 active Encampments. They are medium-sized purple towers with 3 sleeping Husks around it. The difficulty of each Encampment increases as they are destroyed. This is also shown by the visual appearance of the Encampment. Players must destroy each one in order to progress to the next, indicated by a purple beam of light on the map. After all Encampments have been destroyed, an optional 4 Super Encampments can be destroyed for extra mission rewards. Mission ends upon all encampments being defeated or the mission timer reaching 0, whichever comes first.


6.22 Patch Notes (November 6, 2018 )
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed audio issues with active encampments not triggering.

Patch 5.20 (August 7, 2018)

Missions + Systems
  • Destroy the Encampments mission now ends upon all encampments being defeated or the mission timer reaching 0, whichever comes first.

