Deadpool's Weekly Challenges are an exclusive Chapter 2 Season 2 set of challenges for Battle Pass holders. Once the Battle Pass has been purchased, Deadpool's Weekly Challenges will be available to complete. The challenges can be completed any time until the Season ends. The challenges consist of many cosmetics that represent Deadpool.
Objectives and Rewards[]
Week 1 | Reward |
Find Deadpool's letter to Epic Games |
Deadpool Banner |
Don't thank the bus driver | |
Week 2 | Reward |
Find Deadpool's milk carton | |
Find Deadpool's 3 chimichangas around HQ | |
Week 3 | Reward |
Find Deadpool's toilet plunger | |
Destroy 3 toilets | |
Week 4 | Reward |
Find Deadpool's 2 katanas | |
Deal 10,000 damage to opponents' structures | |
Week 5 | Reward |
Find Deadpool's stuffed unicorn | |
Embrace the rainbow by visiting the Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple Steel Bridges (5) | |
Week 6 | Reward |
Find Deadpool's big black marker | |
Deface GHOST or SHADOW posters (3) | |
Week 7 | Reward |
Find Deadpool's 2 pistols | |
Enter a Phone Booth or Portapotty to become the Super-est of Superheroes | |
Week 8 | Reward |
Find Deadpool's pool floaty | |
Dance at Deadpool's Yacht Party | |
Week 9 | Reward |
Find Deadpool's shorts | |
Visit Deadpool's Yacht[]
On April 3rd, a map changed occurred during Chapter 2 Season 2, causing Deadpool to have The Yacht for himself. While The Yacht still remains as a Deadpool location, a secret challenge can be completed that will reward players with a new music track.
Visit Deadpool's Yacht |
In the ? section of the Battle Pass Tab, the Deadpool section of the tab can be found. It is mostly a bathroom/washroom area that Deadpool uses. Weekly, Deadpool's activity will change, along with the room itself.
- February 20th: The ? section could be viewed. It featured a bathroom area, including a toilet stall, a washing machine holding two propane tanks and a grandfather clock, a sink holding a computer, a mirror, a dryer and urinal, multiple rolls of toilet paper, garbage, and Deadpool clothes around the place, and the Hearts spray, Nana Nana spray, and the Avengers Logo spray, and a letter to Epic Games for Deadpool asking to give the battle bus a Deadpool design.
- February 27th: The toilet stall in the back of the bathroom has been closed up, only showing two red and black boots below. A milk carton has appeared on the urinal and a sock has fallen from the pipes above the room. Chimigangas has been placed around HQ.
- March 6th: Deadpool has left the toilet stall, and has begun playing Fortnite with a yellow controller in front of the computer. Interestingly, the Avengers spray has vanished from the bathroom. A plunger has appeared in HQ.
- March 13th: Deadpool has left the bathroom, leaving multiple controllers randomly around, an upside down camera in the toilet, and a katana in the now broken mirror. The second katana has also appeared in HQ.
- March 20th: Deadpool has reentered the bathroom, once again playing on the computer with a controller. A Deadpool calendar has appeared where the Avengers Logo was. The days has been X'd off to the 20th, and a circle has been placed on the 34th square (April 3rd), most likely hinting at the release of the Deadpool Outfit to be on Week 7. A stuffed llama has appeared in HQ.
- March 27th: Deadpool has stopped playing video games and has begun trying to "fix" the pipe above the bathroom, which has begun leaking. He continues to try to stop the leaks with his fingers, and continues to switch them around the three holes. The calendar above the toilet stall has been checked off daily since its appearance, and now one week remains before the circle is reached on the calendar.
- April 3rd: Deadpool has begun playing on the computer once again, and now has a mini-fridge in the bathroom. The toilet has begun overflowing. The calendar has been checked off daily all the way to the red circle, the day Deadpool became an available skin. Deadpool's Hand Cannons have been placed around HQ.
- April 10th: The toilet has stopped overflowing, but the room has been slightly flooded. Deadpool has continued to play on the computer, keeping his feet over a stack of books to keep from being wet. The calendar was checked off once more after April 3rd, but it, as well as the mini-fridge has been removed from the bathroom. A pool floaty has been placed in HQ.
- April 17th: The bathroom has been fully flooded with water. Deadpool continues to play on the computer while wearing a scuba mask, even though the scuba mask has no effect. Every few seconds, air bubbles are sent from the mask up. A pair of Deadpool's shorts has been placed in HQ.
Find Deadpool's Letter & Don't Thank the Bus Driver[]
Once the Battle Pass/Bundle has been purchased, Deadpool's Weekly Challenges will be available to complete. In the bathroom, a letter can be looked at on the floor, stating that Deadpool has created a new battle bus design, and that Fortnite should implement it in since he bet his limbs on it. Once Deadpool's Letter has been found, the first match that players play after, players can jump, and if they don't thank the bus driver, the challenge will be complete and the killfeed will state that the player didn't thank the bus driver. Only when the challenge is completed does the kill feed say it.
Find Deadpool's Milk Carton & Chimichangas[]
After the second week, a milk carton appeared on the urinal for Battle Pass holders. Once interacted, the challenge will be completed. Afterwards, three chimichangas will appear in HQ, one in the main room, one in the Upgrade Vault, and one in Brutus' Agent Floor. This is the only set of weekly challenges that can be completed in the lobby instead of having a challenge in game.
Find Deadpool's Toilet Plunger & Destroy Toilets[]
After the third week, a toilet plunger has appeared on the wall in TNTina's Agent Floor for Battle Pass holders. Once interacted, the challenge will be complete. Afterwards, three toilets must be destroyed to complete the next challenge. Players can destroy any three toilets to complete the mission.
Find Deadpool's Katanas & Damage Opponent Structures[]
After the fourth week, two katanas have appeared around HQ. One katana will be through the bathroom mirror. The other katana will be placed inside the Upgrade Vault in HQ. After both katanas have been collected, the next challenge will be available. A player must deal 1000 damage to walls, floors, or other structures built by enemies.
Find Deadpool's Llama & Visit Steel Bridges[]
After the fifth week, a stuffed llama has appeared around HQ. The stuffed llama can be found in Meowscles' Agent Floor. Once the stuffed llama is collected, the next challenge will be available: To Visit multiple Steal bridges. Red is in between Pleasant Park and Salty Springs. Yellow is east of Misty Meadows. Green is at the four way river path southeast of Frenzy Farm. Blue is east of Pleasant Park. Finally, purple is in between Weeping Woods and Slurpy Swamp.
Find Deadpool's Marker & Deface Posters[]
After the sixth week, a big black marker has been placed around HQ. The marker can be found in Brutus' Agent Floor. Once the marker is collected the next challenge will be available to complete: To Deface Ghost or Shadow posters. As another in game challenge, players must locate three posters around the map created by either Ghost or Shadow. The posters are located all around the map, most notably at all Named Locations. Posters are defaced when interacted with. The Ghost poster will deface by being sprayed silly glasses and a mustache on Midas as well as ghost sprayed around the poster. The Shadow poster will deface by having an image of Deadpool sprayed over it.
Find Deadpool's Pistols & Become the Super-est of Superheroes[]
After the seventh week, two pistols have been placed around HQ. The first pistol can be found under the Challenge Table in the main room. The second pistol can be found next to the weights in Meowscles' Agent Floor. Once the pistols have been collected, the next challenge will be available to complete: To enter a Phone Booth or Portapotty. A player must simply enter one of the two in order to complete the challenge. The challenge can be done with any Phone Booth or Portapotty, once completed turning the player's outfit into Deadpool. This is the only time a player can transform into Deadpool within the game.
Find Deadpool's Floaty and Dance at Deadpool's Yacht Party[]
After the eighth week, a floaty has been placed around HQ. The floaty can be found in Skye's Agent Floor, on the floor near the computer table. Once the floaty has been collected, the next challenge will be available: To Dance at Deadpool's Yacht Party. To complete the challenge, a player must simply go to The Yacht in game, and emote anywhere.
Find Deadpool's Shorts and Salute Deadpool's Pants[]
After the ninth week, a pair of Deadpool's shorts have been placed around HQ. The shorts can be found in Midas' Agent Floor, seen on the chair next to Midas. Once the shorts have been collected, the next challenge will be available to complete: To Salute Deadpool's Pants. To complete the challenge, a player must land at a Deadpool flag. After Patch 12.40, many flags have been placed around the map. Once a player lands at one, the player must interact with it, completing the challenge.