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Fortnite Wiki

The Chapter 2 Season 5 Weekly Quests are a set of weekly challenges for Chapter 2 Season 5. Throughout the season, multiple sets of weekly quests will be unlocked and allow players to complete them for XP. When quests are completed, some requirements may be set to unlock unique styles for Battle Pass skins.

Weekly Rewards[]

Challenge Reward
Complete Epic Quests (12) T-Banners-Icons-S15-CosmosC-L
Mudhorn Banner
Reese Outfit Galactic Ranger Reese Style Icon
Reese (Galactic Ranger)
Complete Epic Quests (19) T-T Music PreviewImages Season15-T-T-Music-Season15-S15-OldSchool-album-art-L
Old School Anthem Music
Complete Epic Quests (26) T-Variant-962-M-FlapjackWrangler-Green-L
Mancake (Lonesome Hero)
Complete Epic Quests (33) T-Icon-Trails-FX-GeoStorm-L
Bright Box Contrail
Complete Epic Quests (40) T-Variant-966-M-FutureSamurai-Green-L
Kondor (Wrath)
Complete Epic Quests (45) Mashed Potato
Mashed Potato Emote
Complete Epic Quests (52) T-Variant-963-F-Lexa-Blue-L
Lexa (Infiltrator)
Complete Epic Quests (59) T-Banners-Icons-S15-Lexa-L
Lexa Banner
Complete Epic Quests (66) T-Variant-963-F-Lexa-Armored-Red-L
Lexa (Warstrike)
Complete Epic Quests (73) T LS S15 SeasonalA L
Royalty Loading Screen
Complete Epic Quests (80) T-Variant-967-M-AncientGladiator-HeavyArmor-Helmet-Plume-L
Menace (Undefeated - Flame)

Weekly Quests[]
