Fortnite Wiki

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Fortnite Wiki
Seats 2
Hitpoints 1,250
Damage 50
Introduced Patch 10.00
Last Adjustment Patch 10.40
Vaulted Patch 11.0

The B.R.U.T.E (commonly referred to as "the Mech") was a ground vehicle in Battle Royale. It is a giant mech suit that can be mounted by 2 players at a time. The driver has a dash, stomp and super jump attack. Additionally, the passenger seat has a shotgun that fires 5 pellets and missile attack while being shielded by a forcefield. The B.R.U.T.E can also use player materials to create an overshield that protects the mech's gunner seat. It additionally has a self-destruct function, which causes it to explode after 5 seconds and damage any nearby players for 100 damage.

As of the Chapter 2 Season 1 update, the B.R.U.T.E was vaulted in all game modes, being only available in Creative.


Seats 2
Hitpoints 1,250


  • The Self-Destruct will kill it no matter what; Just make sure not to get caught in the blast radius.
  • The Gunner and Navigator are completely susceptible to damage and headshots; and the Shield only protects the Gunner. Whenever possible; shoot the occupants instead of the mech
  • Boogie-bombs will immediately eject both occupants
  • Boxing and 90s against a brute is death- although you can theoretically box-in a brute, especially if the gunner doesn't notice the pilot is dead. Consider the use of Pyramids and Doritos. Doritos are effective against the rockets due to their open and erratic nature
  • Wood is pointless to use against it.
  • Despite the 1000 HP, later 1,250, the average automatic weapon can spray it down.
  • The Brute has all the mobility of a beached whale; but all the agility of a cat. Force the driver to expend his capabilities to maneuver and resort to bunny-hopping


Patch 10.20.2 (September 4, 2019)
  • B.R.U.T.E
    • Lowered the spawn rate of the B.R.U.T.E in Storm phases 3-6 in core modes. Arena spawn rates will remain unchanged.

Patch 10.20 (August 27, 2019)

  • B.R.U.T.E
    • The B.R.U.T.E's map icon visible to all players after players board one. The icon will follow the vehicle as it moves.
    • Returned the explosion radius of B.R.U.T.E. missiles back to their original range.

August 22, 2019

  • B.R.U.T.E Balance Adjustments
    • Decreased the maximum rockets in a charge from 10 to 6.
    • Decreased the rocket fire rate by 56%.
    • Decreased the rocket explosion range by 42%.
    • Increased dash cool down from 3 secs to 5 secs.
    • Can no longer harvest materials by stomping objects.
    • Adjusted spawn rates again.
    • Decreased material cost for shield overcharge from 200 mats to 75.
    • Increased B.R.U.T.E health from 1,000 to 1,250.

Patch 10.10 (August 14, 2019)

Weapons + Items

  • B.R.U.T.E updates:
    • Added a targeting laser that appears as players load and fire missiles.
      • In addition to the B.R.U.T.E’s gunner, this laser is visible to opponents and teammates.
      • This is to help give clarity to all players on where a gunner is aiming their rockets before they’re fired.
    • Improved visual and audio feedback during the self-destruct sequence.
    • B.R.U.T.Es can now be entered directly from glider mode.
    • Updated B.R.U.T.E spawn logic for large team respawn game modes.
      • B.R.U.T.Es will now spawn intermittently throughout the match instead of waiting for Storm phases to end.
    • B.R.U.T.Es abandoned in the Storm will self-destruct after 30 seconds.
    • B.R.U.T.Es will reappear on the minimap after 15 seconds if no player is in either seat.

Patch 10.00 (August 1, 2019)

What's New?

  • B.R.U.T.E
    • Few suits make you feel as powerful as a mech suit does. In this two-person vehicle, players can control their movement while their partner controls its firepower. Those feeling extra adventurous can operate it solo by switching between moving and shooting!

