List of Abilities[]
Image | Name | Class | Ability Description |
Image | Name | Class | Ability Description |
![]() | Bull Rush | Constructor | The Constructor charges forward 3 tiles, collecting enemies on a shield, knocking them back at the end of the rush or when colliding with a wall. Does a base of 156 blunt physical damage. |
![]() | Crescent Kick | Outlander | Execute a powerful spin kick which stuns enemies and deals 121 damage. |
![]() | DECOY | Constructor | Deploy a D.E.C.O.Y. which distracts nearby enemies for 6 seconds. |
![]() | Dragon Slash | Ninja | Dash forward, slashing enemies for 115 damage. |
![]() | Frag Grenade | Soldier | Throw a grenade which deals 103 energy damage in a 0.5 tile radius. |
![]() | Goin' Commando!!! | Soldier | Equip a minigun which deals 23 physical damage per shot and fires 18 shots per second. Lasts 10 seconds. |
![]() | Goin' Constructor | Constructor | Equip a hammer which deals **damage** physical damage per hit and a shield that reduces -5% damage from the front. |
![]() | Kunai Storm | Ninja | Vault into the air and hurl a barrage of kunai at your enemies. Each Kunai deals 184 damage. |
![]() | Lefty and Righty | Soldier | Cost: Equip two pistols which deal 60 physical damage per shot and fire 6 shots per second. Lasts 10 seconds. |
![]() | Phase Shift | Outlander | Quickly dash through space, gaining 30% increased movement speed for 3 seconds. |
![]() | Plasma Pulse | Constructor | Deploy a device which spews plasma mines for 6 seconds. Each mine deals 46 energy damage. |
![]() | R.O.S.I.E. | Constructor | Deploy a mountable turret which deals 69 physical damage per shot and fires 7 shots per second. R.O.S.I.E. has 150 ammo. |
![]() | Seismic Smash | Outlander | Smash the ground, creating a fissure of energy which deals 114 energy damage to enemies. |
![]() | Shock Tower | Outlander | Deploy a device which shocks nearby enemies, stunning them and dealing 12 damage. |
![]() | Shockwave | Soldier | Slam a grenade into the ground, knocking back and dealing 102 energy damage to nearby enemies. |
![]() | Smoke Bomb | Ninja | Drop a smoke bomb which slows enemies and deals 52 damage per second. |
![]() | T.E.D.D.Y. | Outlander | Deploy a husk-crushing robot bear which deals 13 damage per shot and fires 4 shots per second. T.E.D.D.Y. lasts 15 seconds. |
![]() | Throwing Stars | Ninja | Unleash a volley of throwing stars, which deal 87 damage. |
![]() | War Cry | Soldier | Shout an inspiring War Cry, granting nearby allies +45% weapon damage, +30% fire rate, and +20% melee attack speed for 12 seconds. |
Abilities by Level Learned[]
Each of the above Abilities are learned at a different level for each subclass. The levels at which each Hero learns their class' Abilities are shown below:
Subclass | Constructor Abilities | |||
R.O.S.I.E. | Bull Rush | D.E.C.O.Y. | Plasma Pulse | |
Controller | N/A | Evolution 3 | Level 1 | Evolution 2 |
Power BASE | Level 1 | N/A | Evolution 2 | Evolution 3 |
Sentinel | Evolution 2 | N/A | Level 1 | Evolution 3 |
Guardian | N/A | Level 1 | Evolution 3 | Evolution 2 |
Hotfixer | Evolution 2 | Evolution 3 | N/A | Level 1 |
Electro-pulse | Level 1 | Evolution 3 | N/A | Evolution 2 |
Tank | Level 1 | Evolution 2 | N/A | Evolution 3 |
Plasma Specialist | N/A | Evolution 3 | Evolution 2 | Level 1 |
BASE | Evolution 2 | Level 1 | N/A | Evolution 3 |
MEGABASE | Evolution 2 | Evolution 3 | N/A | Level 1 |
Expansion People | ||||
Marathon | Evolution 2 | Level 1 | N/A | Evolution 3 |
Machinist | Evolution 2 | N/A | Evolution 3 | Level 1 |
Event People | ||||
Miss Bunny | N/A | Evolution 3 | Evolution 2 | Level 1 |
Patriot | Evolution 3 | Level 1 | N/A | Evolution 2 |
Warden | Evolution 2 | Level 1 | N/A | Evolution 3 |
The Ice King | Level 1 | Evolution 3 | Evolution 2 | N/A |
Sentry Gunner | Level 1 | N/A | Evolution 3 | Evolution 2 |
Kyle The 13th | N/A | Evolution 3 | Level 1 | Evolution 2 |
Catstructor | Evolution 2 | Level 1 | N/A | Evolution 3 |
Riot Response | N/A | Evolution 2 | Evolution 3 | Level 1 |
Riot Control | N/A | Evolution 2 | Evolution 3 | Level 1 |
Heavy BASE | Evolution 2 | Evolution 3 | Level 1 | N/A |
8-Bit Demo | N/A | Evolution 3 | Level 1 | Evolution 2 |
Demolitionist | N/A | Evolution 3 | Level 1 | Evolution 2 |
Saboteur | N/A | Evolution 3 | Level 1 | Evolution 2 |
Thunder | N/A | Evolution 2 | Evolution 3 | Level 1 |
Vintage-Tech | Evolution 2 | N/A | Evolution 3 | Level 1 |
Calculating Ability Damage[]
Ability and Healing[]
Ability damage and Healing done are increased by 1% for each point of Tech. Both calculations use the same formula.
Formula: (Base Value x Hero Modifier) x Tech + (Base Value x Hero Modifier)
Within the formula, Tech is turned into a multiplier, for example: 2357 Tech equals a multiplier of 23,570. Same is done to Ability and Healing modifiers listed in Stats. Base value is expressed with base damage or healing of the Ability.