Similar in size and shape to the Husky husk, 'Sploder husks wear a red shirt and carry a propane tank on their shoulder. When near players or buildings, they will throw their propane tank to do significant damage to all players, structures, and other husks near it.
They are first introduced during Stonewood Storm Shield Defense 3.
Propane Tanks[]
Deflecting/Preventing detonation[]
Killing a 'Sploder before it has a chance to throw its propane tank will result in the tank falling to the ground without detonating. Be careful though, as the propane tank can still be detonated if it is shot while it is on the ground.
When propane tanks are thrown they linger on the ground for a very short moment before detonating. During this delay they can be hit away using a Pickaxe or Melee Weapon.
- Viable weapons
It is wise to NEVER trigger propane tanks. The following weapons/attacks will not damage/detonate propane tanks:
- Ear Splitter - Sonic Pulse
- Mic Drop - Feedback Pulse
- Plasmatron 9000 -
- Pulsar 9000 -
- Woofer -
- Deciblaster
Accidental/Deliberate detonation[]
- Some Abilities *will* detonate propane tanks, so be cautious when activating them near fallen tanks.
- The propane tank can be shot while the husk is carrying it to cause it to explode before it reaches the objective. One shot will cause it to detonate after a short delay. '
- If a 'Sploder or a fallen propane tank is near other husks, shooting the propane tank to detonate it can be a quick way to clear a large crowd of husks.
- Be extremely careful not to shoot propane tanks near built fortifications, as they will do extreme damage to structures— enough to outright destroy low tier building pieces.
- Enemies
- New sound effects
Patch 10.00 Exploding Deathburst has been replaced with a new modifier: Exploding Death Bomb. When Husky Husks, Sploders, and Riot Huskies are eliminated they leave behind a destructive bomb with a short fuse. Patch 9.40 Earn the new Birthday Brigade Jonesy Hero by completing a quest to eliminate Cake Sploders in successful missions. Be careful to avoid their exploding pastries! And Corrected an issue with sploder propane tanks rotating back and forth while bouncing.
Patch 9.20 Improved the attacks of the Sploder Propane Tank
Patch 8.10 Fixed an issue for Frenzied effects remaining on Beehive Husk helmets and Sploder tanks after the Frenzied effect wears off.
Patch 7.20 Removed holiday skins from Husks, Lobbers, Sploders, and Husklings.
Patch 7.10 The Holidays are upon us! Husks, Lobbers, Poison Lobbers, Husklings, Sploders, and Smashers are all getting into the Holiday spirit.
Patch 5.10 Sploder became the Cake Sploder and you need to kill them to earn the Birtday hero
Patch 1.7 Tons of 'Sploders and Smashers try or do break into your fort
Patch 1.6Fixed an issue with Shielders being stuck on propane tanks when thrown by Sploders. Shielders now stay with their Husk.